So You're Angry, What Now?

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Credit to the artist: @Kypoa

The walls of Wormwood Scrubs Prison radiated a freezing chill as the young woman walked down a long corridor. Her large heels tapped on the ground while she followed a prison guard, checking over her Instagram as they made their way to the cell.
"Please be careful, sometimes he can get...irritating."
The girl looked up and smiled, removing her large sunglasses to reveal her dark green eyes.
"Tell me about it."
The guard opened the large door that led into a small room with a table and chair positioned in front of a large cell. The cell was furnished to her surprise; a large bed, a real functioning toilet, and a hot tub? She couldn't believe her eyes as she walked in and sat on the table, crossing her legs. The prison guard watched her for a few seconds before shutting the door.
"Take as long as you need Miss."
As soon as the door shut, an old green man staggered up to the cell wall, yawning and stretching like he had been waken up from a nap. He scratched his back and licked his teeth, pretending to finally notice the girl on the table.
"Noodle! Fancy seeing you here!"
Murdoc Niccals bowed at his long time friend and turned around, grabbing a drink from a mini fridge near the bed and opening it with a crack.
"How's my favorite little girl? Still practicing guitar with 2D? I know he wanted to learn, too bad he's as stupid his face."
Murdoc fell onto his bed and propped himself up on one elbow, taking a sip from a beer can and smiling at Noodle. She looked up from her phone and stared at the bassist apathetically.
"Have you heard the new album? 2D is really proud of it."

"Oh who cares what he's proud of. He's done this before when we were on Plastic Beach, and clearly there was enough proof with that album to show D needs me. You all nee-"

"We don't need you right now Murdoc."
Noodles voice was low; a very serious and quiet tone echo's in the room as Murdoc sat up.
"You don't mean that Noodles, of course you need me! Gorillaz is nothing without m-"
She interrupted him again as he crushed the can in his hand.
"The Now Now and concert tickets are selling better than last tour. Ace is bringing in new fans, the music video rehearsals are finished in less than a week. We're doing better than ever before."
Murdoc growled and threw his beer can, letting the drink spill all over the bed and the floor. He stood up and stormed over to the cell door, grabbing onto the bars and glaring at his guitarist.
"My fans care more me than about you three! My hashtag Murdoc campaign has spread further than that faceaches album. You can't say I'm not helping you guys; some of that money is funding you right now!"
Noodles expression hardened, trying not to lose her temper. She shoved her phone in his face, showing the website to Murdocs campaign.
"All the prices are outrageous, and everyone noticed too! Stop trying to use our name and our fans to pay for your bail. I know that's the real end game for you."
Murdoc gasped and put a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt by what she had said.
"Oh Noodles, you don't really think that do you? I'd never use our beloved fans like that!"
He smiled and leaned on the bars of his cell, pouting his lips and letting a tear form in his uncovered eye.
"Don't try to make me pity you."
Noodle went back and sat down on the table, letting her legs hang off the side as she huffed.
"I thought talking to you would be easier. Yet here you are...still stubborn and ridiculous as ever."
Murdoc stayed where he was but stood up straight, brushing his shirt to flatten it out as he laughed.
"So all you came here for was to insult me? I thought I raised you better than that."

"Russel and 2D raised me."
He froze and glared up at her.
"Them? Hah! Russel was too busy dealing with Del and 2D is as thick as it comes! I earned the money to take care of you. Don't forget who owns this band, me! THE Murdoc Niccals! I've done everything to keep this band together and the second I'm incarcerated you three just, just get a cheap replacement, and make fools of yourselves!"
Noodle bit her tongue, not wanting to bring up the past as he continued.
"I held the band together when Paula tried to break us up, I brought everyone back after that failed movie project, I created Plastic Beach, I built a safe haven for all of us when you were off, what was it? Fighting a mob boss in Japan?"

"I was fighting to get home!"
She leapt towards the cell and clenched her fists, standing over him. Noodle knew he was trying to make her angry, but she didn't care.
"I became your guitarist when the band was falling apart, I wrote Demon Days on my own, I even let you take the credit! I helped you kill that Jimmy bastard, and I saved all of Japan! And what did I come back to?!"
Murdoc scoffed and looked down at her fists, knowing she couldn't and wouldn't do anything. His eyes widened as she kicked him through the bars, practically knocking the wind out of him as he gasped and groaned in pain.
"I come back to 2D in a state of madness, Russel with even more issues than before, and a fucking copycat cyborg! You replaced me!"
She growled in anger and tried to calm herself down, swearing and shouting in Japanese as she punched the bars holding her back. He staggered to his feet, using the bed to help him up and coughed, everything starting to hurt. Murdoc wanted her to know he was mad, but he didn't know she had built all this up.
"N-No Noodle I never replaced you! I mean, okay, maybe I did, but it wasn't permanent, she was only protection for when the pirates attacked. I would've never-"

"She played guitar for all of Plastic Beach! 2D told me she even helped with it more than he did! You'll never understand how I felt!"
Murdoc stopped trying to defend himself and kicked at the floor, waiting for her to stop yelling. Noodle began to pace, muttering under her breath other things he had done to piss her off.
"Is this all?"
Her head whipped around and she grabbed him by the collar, slamming him up against the bars.
"What do you mean, is that all?"

"I mean, are you done? Did you only come here to bitch and moan about what I've done?"
She dropped him and he held onto the bars, breathing heavily and feeling light headed. Maybe this was how 2D always felt.
"You didn't want to see me and tell me how everyone was. You wanted to argue with me, knowing I'm locked in here and have no where to go to ignore you."
Noodle slammed her fists down on the table and fought back angry tears trying to escape her eyes. Her voice cracked as she tried to hide her face.
"I wanted to tell tell you how much better we are without you!"

"So you're angry, what now? Are you going to leave angry, head home angry, tell everyone how stupid I am, how I never listen? What are you going to do when I get out? Continue to hate me?"
Noodles breathing slowed as she calmed down, clearing her throat and turning back around to face Murdoc. Her eyes less angry than before, but still cold towards the hunched over bassist.
"Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is right now, you need us, and we don't need you."
She turned on her heel and headed towards the door, putting her sunglasses back on as she reached for the door handle. Murdoc shouted from the cell and made her freeze.
"That's a lie! You and I both know you all won't make it without me! The Gorillaz are nothing without me, and everyone knows that!"
Her anger began to overflow again as she grit her teeth and opened the door, not wanting to start again. Tears fell down her face as she slammed the door behind her, storming off towards the outside, and leaving Murdoc alone once again. She stomped out of the prison, ignoring all the guards and swinging her arms at her sides as she walked. She swung open the car door and climbed in, slamming it against her and huffed, trying to get a cigarette out of the glove compartment. 2D stared at her in fear, clutching the steering wheel as she shakily lit the fag.
"Did uh...did everything go okay Noodle?"
She rolled down her window and tapped the cigarette out, half of it already burned out.
"Everything went fine D. Just drive."
He sighed and put the car into drive, turning out of the lot and heading towards the main road.
"Are you sure Noodles? You seem-"
"It. Went. Fine."
She tossed the cigarette out the window and grabbed another one as he reached for one himself. He had her light it and he put it in between his lips, staring sadly ahead at the road.
"Yeah, I'm sure it did."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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