Chapter 7 "Preservation"

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"So you're telling me that she passed out and everything turned to ice?"


Zeus took a deep sigh and palmed his forehead, he dreaded the stress that came with this. He's been able avoid it for so long yet here it is, finally presenting itself before him.

"And why was she distressed?" Asked Zeus.

Hermes hesitated, he didn't want to admit what he did and was sure Zeus would be in a fit of rage. So he did what he did best. He lied. "I-I was showing her Persephone's garden, I think she might have been overwhelmed."

Zeus stared at the god for a moment, questioning if he spoke to truth. But he took his answer, not wanting to bother with anymore conflict.

"What are we going to do!" Exclaimed Hera, she stood next to Zeus fidgeting nervously.

Zeus places his hand firmly on her shoulder and squeezes it, "We'll just have to wait and see dear wife."

"I say we get rid of it. Slice it to pieces like Kronos." Boomed Ares' voice from the other end of room, he stood in the archway; his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes because another enemy Titan is JUST what we need." Retorted Hera.

"He has a point. This has gone long enough and day after day she proves a larger threat." Athena cut in,

Zeus watched her intently as he considered his favorite daughters words.

"All the girl did was fix a broken pin and fill a green house with snow. Her displays of power have been anything but destructive." Said Poseidon, his eyes glaring into Athena's grey ones with hatred.

"They were destructive! She killed all Persephone's gifts!" Snapped Demeter who sat uncomfortably in her throne, her eyes screamed rage and her hands trembled.

"You mean those plants? Oh come on-"

"They are living beings too!"

Zeus slammed his fist on the armrest of his chair interrupting Poseidon and Demeter's bickering, everyone looked at him seeking answers. "Let's take a vote then! All in favor of keeping the girl alive raise your hand."

They all hesitated and after a few moments hands shot up. Poseidon, Hera, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Aphrodite raises their hands. 6 out of 11 of the gods voting voted she could stay.

"The majority has voted she remains alive, and thus she shall," nodded Zeus.

Athena sighed, "then what are we do with her?"

Zeus pondered for a moment and then finally spoke, "As far as I'm concerned she's just as dangerous as one of us. Maybe it's time we treat her like an equal and gain her trust."

Everyone was taken back by his display, rarely did he show such mercy.

"Are you saying we should treat her like a goddess!?" Groaned Ares.

"For now, yes." Nodded Zeus.

Although that was a lot harder to ask of the gods and goddesses than he expected. They all saw her as a Titan, a being warned against them by a prophecy.


"You know your name?!" Asked Hera, her eyes widened with shock.

I slowly nodded, "Yes. I heard a voice speak to me. It called me by a name."

Hera bit her lip, her eyebrows furrowed In confusion. "Shiva huh?"

I nodded again.

Hera took a deep breath, she placed her warm hand on my arm reassuringly. "Okay. Then you shall be called Shiva."

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