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"I expect you to be finished by Monday."

And just like that, the second week of their classes at U.A. was over, and class 1-A had started packing their bags, discussing among themselves how they would be spending their weekends. "I have too much homework to do! Is this even legal?" Complained a blonde girl with purple eyes to no one in particular, earning a few laughs and sighs from the people around her. "It's not even that much..." mumbled her friend, who, due to his quirk, was completely made up from a wood-like substance. Hizashi giggled, as he tried to stuff his notebook away into the giant mess that one would call his bag. Both of these items, despite only being 3 weeks old at most, were already severely damaged. The bag had already obtained some inkstains, and the notebook had suffered some major waterdamage from the countless times that he had already spilled his drinks on it. Half of the words written in it had become illegible, and almost half of the pages had been doodled on during boring lectures.

"I heard Todoroki is throwing a party this weekend, are you coming too, Yamada?" He heard a familiar voice call out to him, just as he had finished stuffing his belongings away. When he turned around, he was greeted by the welcoming sight of two of his classmates; Yagi Toshinori and Kayama Nemuri. Despite having met them only 14 days prior, the three had quickly grown to be best friends, and they were closer than Hizashi had been with most other friends that he had had before this. A smile grew on the blonde male's face, as he threw his bag around his shoulder. "Hell yeah I'm coming!" He exclaimed, his voice practically shaking the windows from its sheer volume.

All eyes simultaniously turned on him, most of them bearing an expression of being annoyed or in pain. He had yet to gain full control of his quirk, and as usual, it had resulted in the ruthless attack on his classmates' eardrums. If he was being honest, Hizashi concidered it a miracle that he hadn't deafened anyone yet. He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry everyone!" Yagi laughed along with him, as Kayama profusely apologized to the others, serving as her friend's damage-control, as usual, before turning back to her friends, and jokingly scolding her blond cockatoo of a friend. "Yamada! You have to be more careful when using your quirk dude, Not everyone wants to become deaf quite yet!" She told him, smacking the boy in the back of the head. "I said I'm sorry!" Hizashi whined, running out of the classroom, to escape from the black haired woman's burning wrath.

"Nemi, don't kill me, please, I'm sorry!" Yamada yelled, running into the school's cafeteria. As always, the cafeteria was completely crowded with students from the Hero, Bussiness, Support and General Studies courses all trying to leave the building simultaneously, making it the perfect place to hide. He pushed through various groups of people, laughing as he looked over his shoulder to see his friends struggling to keep up. He kept running, until he reached his locker, and triumphantly slammed his hand against the door. "Safe spot!" He exclaimed, leaning his back against it, trying to catch his breath. His friends soon joined him, Kayama huffing in defeat, and the other blonde laughing at the both of them. "Guys, please, people are staring." He chuckled. "Let them all stare at me!" Yamada exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. "Thank you, thank you! You're a great audience!" Kayama too started laughing now, as she grabbed her shoes out of the locker next to Hizashi's. They kept talking about some of the most trivial things as they got ready to head back home, until a sudden commotion disturbed each and every student in that crowded hallway.

"Out of my way, Emo." Todoroki's boastful voice boomed through the hallway, as he pushed the short, unsuspecting ravenhaired male towards the floor. Aizawa let out a small yelp when his head hit the ground, the redhair's cruel laughter spiraling around him as said hellish male walked off, seeming way too proud of himself, as usual. The tired teen lifted his head up, and took a look around at his peers; unsurprisingly, they were just staring at him. Hundreds of eyes pointed at him, staring in shock, disgust, amusement, interest, and, if he was lucky, sometimes the slightest hint of sympathy. But that's all that they did. Staring. No one offered a hand, no one tried to help, or even spared him a comment. Bystanders, that's all they were. Ironic, wasn't it? Even at this school, where everyone half of the students were there to train to become a hero, no one dared to stand up against the intimidating hothead. Or no one cared to, of course. Neither of these options were surprising to the tired male in the slightest. Being a student from General Studies, it wasn't rare for him to be looked down upon by his peers. And with someone with a future as bright and promising as the spiteful Enji Todoroki, the gap between the courses only seemed to grow larger by the day.

Aizawa scoffed, and pushed himself up from the wooden floor, only to feel his head bump into something on his way up. "Hey, are you okay?" A shrieky voice asked him. Looking up, the blackhaired male looked at the object he had just bumped into. It was a pale hand, belonging to a blonde boy with the most stupid sunglasses that the raven boy had ever seen, reaching to him in a worried rush. Where did this guy even come from? Just a few seconds ago, Aizawa hadn't been able to find a single soul that would even move a muscle. "My name is Yamada Hizashi!" Exclaimed the blonde as soon as Shouta had made use of the friendly gesture he had shown him. "Yeah uh, thanks." Muttered the small teen, dusting off his clothes. He scanned the hallway, and laid his eyes upon his bag, which had been flung about 5 meters to the side. An annoyed growl roared from the bottom of his throat, as he stalked over and kneeled down, checking the bag for any damage. "Hey, what's your name?" Hizashi asked, excited as a puppy on steroids, running beside the smaller teen with enough energy to last an entire soccer team for at least 5 seasons. "...Aizawa." He mumbled, picking up the bag and slinging it back over his shoulders. It had ripped at the seems just the slightest bit, but there wasn't any major damage to the bag or the things within. Sadly, the same couldn't be said for the teen himself.

Not only had he scraped his knees on the floor when he fell, but a puddle of blood had also accumulated, and stained the wooden floorboards red in ghe exact spot that his head had hit the ground. "Do you need help? I can take you to the nurse!" Aizawa sighed and shook his head. "I can do it myself, thanks." He scowled as he left the confused blonde behind, wiping some blood from his head with his own sleeve. The thing being black, it wasn't easy to notice the bloodstain on the fabric anyway, so the blackhaired male was sure that his mother wouldn't mind. He sighed.
Even if he had hoped for someone to come save him, did it really have to be a kid like that? He knew the type of guy he was. Loud, obnoxious, social and impossible to get rid of. That's definitely not what he needed right now.

He strolled through the ever crowded hallways of this cursed school with a massive frown plastered on his babyface. By now, he had completely menorized the route he would have needed to take to get to the nurse's office; it had been imprinted in his mind during these two weeks, due to the countless visits he had had to pay the old lady every wretched day. From the front entrance, he would take a left, a right, go to the end of the hallway, up the stairs and finally take another left. But he wasn't going there. Instead, he walked up another flight of stairs. These wounds weren't too bad anyway, nothing a trip to the bathroom couldn't fix.

As usual, the bathroom on the second floor was completely filled with people who felt the great need to shout, gossip or sometimes even break everything the small room had to offer. Aizawa absolutely hated going to this place, solely because he couldn't catch a break from the usual chaos in school, even there. If anything, everything he hated about others was amplified in such a small confinement, to the point of even the thought of stepping inside being sickening to the short male. No, Aizawa would never take a step towards that disgusting bathroom by free will.
That's why, as soon as he learned about another option existing, he never looked back once.

For you see, on the third floor of this prestigious school was another room, another bathroom, one where the lights barely work, one that hadn't been cleaned in ages, one that was too dirty for anyone to visit. Anyone but Aizawa that is. For him, the bathroom served as the perfect spot to hide away from the drama and stress of his peers; the one place in school where it was quiet, the one place where there were no students to bother him, the one place in this building that he could have for himself. Every day, Aizawa would spend his lunches in this bathroom, cleaning the room out, reading, studying, eating, sleeping; basically trying to make this place a home, that's how he's been spending the past 3 months. Alone, in a dirty abandoned bathroom, without any friends or social interaction. Cozy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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