A First Date

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"Okay, so I have this idea, we can go to like the movies or something and then get lunch in the park" Zeke suggested.

We werent exactly sure what to do, so We, actually Zeke was brainstorming some things we could do.

"But thats like so mainstream... Why don't we like go to a restaurant and eat a romantic dinner?"

"Fine, we'll do both" I would never win

Two minutes later, we had a bag if chips and we were sitting at a park bench eating and chatting.

"Hey, Alanah... You said you liked me, does that mean we can be a couple? Like be together?"

"I don't really know Zeke, I'm just not really in the mood to be in a relationship. We haven't known each other for that long and I don't think my parents could take it. After all that's just happened too. Don't take it the wrong way, I still like you but.."

" No that's fine, I understand" I could see the hurt in his eyes. I felt so bad but what I had said was true, I do still like him.

"Can we still call this a date?" He asked

"Why not?" I spoke quite enthusiastically

We continued on for a couple of hours talking about random stuff and deciding where we would go for dinner. We decided on this Italian restaurant as we both loved pasta. Classic Italian. At the pizza place, we began to talk about our relationship history. Unfortunately, I had never had a boyfriend so he was the one doing most of the talking.

"But I guess you could call that relationship... She was kind of nice.. Oh she was a bit rude to me..." It went on and on. I counted at least 12 girlfriends but decided to stop and I sort of zoned out.

"Alanah, did you hear what I just said?"

"Uh huh um yeah yeah I did"





" I didn't think so... I told you that none of my relationships compared to what we have, even if we aren't together..."

"Aww that's so sweet, you know what, we should go out more often, just us"

" Yeh we should" he agreed.

"You wanna come to my place now?" He asked me

" Yeh sure!" I clumsily said whilst stuffing my face with pasta. We got into his car, and of course his house was like 100 km away and his car ran out of petrol at just the right time.

"Oh oh... I ummm we've run out of petrol..."


"I think we ran out of petrol..."

" I heard you the freaking first time!"

" I'm sorry" and when he said that, I knew he was really sorry

"Well I guess it's not too much of a bad thing, look, there is a bit of grass over there, maybe we could sleep here for tonight..."

" yeh, I have a couple blankets in my car..."

We settled down and as it was past 11 pm, we decided to just lie down and talk while looking at the stars

" You know, I really like you and I really want you to know that, no matter what people say, I think you are beautiful"

"That's really sweet... Can I have a hug...?"

"Umm ok..." He looked rather taken aback by the statement

He gave me a quick hug and a sneaky peck on the cheek... That was when I stood up and whacked him with my pillow... And then he whacked me back, and in just two minutes, we were engaged in a pillow fight extravaganza. We must've fallen asleep during our fight, as I woke up inches from the lake, with Zeke right next to me. It was that night that I decided that I was ready for a relationship, not because I had a choice, because really I didn't. How could you like a boy so much and just be, well friend zoned.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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