Chp 2 - She ships it

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I gasped as these words left me lips and could immediately feel my cheeks flush. I honestly don't know where this has come from but it kinda just hit me. I saw wylder turn over to face me in her sleep and smile until her lips dropped and her cheast started lifting and dropping again. Just looking at her made me smile

She fidgeted around a little in her sleep before slowly itching closer to me so her waist was rested on my arm and her hot breath on my chest. I sighed and put my arm over her waist and honestly I'm just so calm.

Holding her there in my arms makes me go all fuzzy inside. Slowly I feel my eyes start feeling heavier and I fall asleep right there, in the arms of Wylder Gray.




I groan and open my eyes. I feel a hot body wrapped around mine and see Wylder curled up next to me yawning.

Ember is honestly the most annoying person. I turn around and see she's got her hands in the air standing on top of her bed and singing, no sorry screaming Bohemian Rhapsody making her body move like a wave.

I look round the room and see Quinn already up with her hair in a messy bun and silently reading a book to herself looking already done with Ember's shit. Harriot is standing in front of the mirror already dressed. She's wearing a blue and green striped rugby shirt tucked into a black pair of high waisted black jeans brushing her curly fawn hair in the mirror.

Why is everyone ready?

"What time is it?" I murmur as Wylder wraps her arms tighter around my waist.

"SCARAMOUCH, SCARAMOUCH WILL YOU DO THE FANDANGO." Ember screams twirling around on the bed

"11:30" Quinn sighed looking up from her glasses.

"Yeah, bitches. We've been awake for 3 hours." Ember says still turning on the spot.

My mouth gasped open at this. Never once in my life at a sleepover have I woken up at 11:30. I slowly stroked Wylder's cheek and whispered in her ear to make her wake.

"Hey, Wylder." I murmured. She instead just wrapped her arms around me tighter. I laughed at her innocence and tried again.

"Wylder it's 11:30, the others are already ready".

"Then tell them to get unready". Wylder spoke still with her eyes closed. I laughed again.

"Wylder seriously I'd be careful. Do you remember that time that Harriot was still asleep and Ember woke her up by putting a snail on the forehead from outside." I said laughing at the memory. At this, she immediately opened her eyes sat up and glared at Ember

"What," She spoke. "That was once. But I can make it twice for you Wylder". She said before winking at her. At this Wylder took her sock and threw it at her. Ember clutched her shoulder where it had hit and howled before dramatically falling to her feet.

After this, we all decided to get ready. I had decided on a strappy black top with high waisted mom jeans that I paired with an oversized cardigan. I decided to sit down next to Harriot who was applying her blusher when Quinn came over to do my hair. She made me flip my long black hair upside down while she braided from the bottom and finishing off with a messy bun on top of my head. Quinn was actually good at many things but she was too uptight to admit this.

I then decided to do my skincare routine as I had missed last nights. I finished off with a little sunscreen to my cheeks and tip of my nose. That's the annoying thing about being so pale, I get burnt quite easily. I let quinn add eyeliner to my eyes to enlarge my small eyes and I was done.

I saw Wylder sitting on the bed with her earphones in humming along to "Death of a Bachelor." She looked so cute, her tan skin complemented with the beige jumper she was wearing, of course looking cute with a tartan skirt and simple jewelry. I went over to sit net to her and she handed me her other earphone.

"At the expspense, of the death of a bachelor." I sang while Wylder laughed before laying her head on my shoulder. This is what I loved so much about Wylder. Just simple gestures like this that simply made me happy and calm.

Just as the song was coming to an end my phone buzzed. I looked down and saw I got a notification from Ember. I looked at her quizzingly but she just winked at me. I opened my phone which I saw that Wylder had changed the background to a picture of herself with her eyes crossed and her tongue out. I laughed and opened WhatsApp. There was just one message.

"I ship it"

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