Chp 4 - Why is Everything Changing

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Soon after this everybody left and I was left to myself in my now empty room. Everything felt so quiet and empty. What used to be laughs that filled the rooms now was an eerie silence with once smiles etched across the room like scars. Even my phone was silence. Normally I'd have about 200 notifications blowing up on my phone of Ember spamming memes into the group chat and Quinn telling her to shut up because she was meditating or something.

I took a few moments just to sit there by myself. Thinking of everything that had happened in these few days.

I had laid awake at 4:00 am in the morning with a gorgeous girl curled on my chest.

I had realized that I might not have been the orientation I thought I had been my entire life.

I had realized I had fallen for my best friend.

I groaned and turned over and buried my head between the pillows that had once someone gorgeous had layed, breathing in her smell of coffee and vanilla.

Had I really fallen this hard? Is it true that somebody who I met on that day at school; the girl who I nicknamed 342 is now my only thought?

I grabbed my blanket and shut my eyes.





I opened my eyes to stubby fingers tickling my cheek. I stood there her big dark eyes staring back at me giggling softly to herself. I smiled groggily at her cuteness.

"Hey, sis."

"Mum said you have to wake up, otherwise you're not going to make it to school." She murmured staring at her feet.

"What?" My eyes snapped open how was it already time for school. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and turned it on to be greeted by my new screensaver of Wylder her crossed eyes looking back at me. I was smiling until I saw that it was 7:30. Class starts in 30 minutes.

"Shit," I murmured under my breath until I saw May standing there with her hands over mouth in shock, as if I'd just committed a crime.

"You just said a naughty word, Harlow." She said her eyes wide in shock.

"No, I didn't, I.. I promise. The things are you know what I actually said. I said ship. Because I was I could travel to school this morning on a ship, you know?" I said rambling trying to convince my sister I was a sweet innocent child.

"Hmm," She said her hands on her hip. "It would be actually cool to go to school on a ship. Can you take me to school on a ship one day Harlow." She giggled to herself.

"Of course." I smiled, before picking her up and swinging her around. She shrieked with laughter before I put her down on the floor and kissed her forehead.

"Now I have to really get ready fast May because otherwise, I'm going to be late. So I'm gonna go into the bathroom." I said running out the door. "LOVE YOU," I called opening the bathroom door.

"LOVE YOU TO HARLOW." I heard her call. I smiled to myself as I sped into the bathroom. I quickly turned on the tap before spraying cold water over my face and gasping at the shock. Then seeing that I only had twenty minutes I quickly grabbed my clear eyebrow gel and brushed my eyebrows before grabbing a cream blush and putting it on the apples of my cheeks, multi-tasking by brushing my teeth at the same time. I quickly sped out the bathroom before grabbing some light washed mom jeans, a plain black tank top, and a grey and green flannel. I grabbed my white doc martens before slipping them on my feet, ran down the stair and out the door. I heard my mom yelling bye so I shouted bye back but I don't think she heard me. I ran.




I was panting as I opened the door to my school but immediately heard the bell go. Shit, after all that I'm still late. I went to the front office and grabbed a late slip before walking to my first class. I had bio and Ember and Harriot we're there so I trudged up the stairs waiting to go and meet them. I walked along the corridor before ending up at the door and knocking twice.

"Yes." I heard as I meekly pushed open the door. Our teacher was standing in front of the board pointing to what we 're covering. I saw her roll her eyes as I walked into the class. I really couldn't be asked with her so I just went and sat next to Ember. She had her notebook open doodling with a navy blue fountain pen on the margin of her book. Harriot was sitting at the other side of the classroom with some other girl that I'd never seen in my life. I looked at ember who just barely shrugged. I just turned my attention back to the board.

Since when did Harriot sit not with us, and when did Ember act so gloomy. I'd only met two of my friends and suddenly they were changing, before my very eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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