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I was in his arms, he was so warm and soft I wouldn't left him for nothing in the world.
We were about to wake by a phone call from my phone. I was still asleep, so Lawliet woke up and took the phone to low my phone ringtone, so that we could sleep a bit more.

I woke up as he slips back into the blankets, greeting me with a soft smile and with his comfy arms.
"Good morning (Y/N)." He said kissing my lips and taking me on him. I greeted him just with a tired smile, rubbing my eyes and yawing, I suddenly realized that I was wearing his usual white shirt.
"Someone here's still tired uh." He said as I laid my still warm body on his, he was wearing just his boxers, backing my head next to his neck full of pacifiers. "We had a rough night, uh." He whispered teasing me and getting near to my ear, I immediately blushed and started to gently bite his neck, leaving little tooth's marks all over his skin. He moaned in pleasure, taking and squashing my butt with both his hands. I started to moan a bit as we heard someone knocking at the door. Our heads immediately looked at the it, wondering who could be at that hour.
"Come in." He said emotionless still with his hands on my butt. I looked at him blushing, "At least let go my butt." I said worried for who would be coming in and see us like this. He tightened my ass more and taking out his tongue and doing a stupid face as Light made his way into the messy room, which was filled with lust from the other night.

"You two had fun last night, I honestly wasn't expecting that from you Ryuzaki." Light said laughing and sitting on the couch, after taking off his jacket. I blushed covering my face with my hands, did he hear us? I thought to myself.
Lawliet took me off him to face Light with his emotionless and tiredness in his eyes and a grin on his mouth. "I guess now you know." He said taking a cup of tea.
"So now I guess you got healed from that bad fever uh?" He said with a little smile on his face, perhaps he understood that It was all a coverage, we had to be careful.
Damn it. What should I do now. Think (Y/N), think.
"A-Actually we're still not pretty sure If his fever got worst or not after this night." I said chuckling as my face became red again and facing Light, hiding Lawliet behind me.
I mustn't let Misa see him, she would see that I deceived her telling her a fake name and that would get in my way with the investigations, and most of all, she would killed Lawliet.

Light's phone vibrate, he took it from his jeans's pocket and looked at it. "Oh it's Misa, we had actually a thing to do so, I'm leaving now, see you guys." Light said getting out of the room, after taking back is jacket, with a grin on his face.
As I turned my head to Lawliet, I saw him already crouched on his computer to check his files and telecameras, taking a sip of his tea.

I decided to stay a bit of time with him today, for this reason I didn't go to the main office with the others, but I stayed the all afternoon next to him.

He didn't talk much today, or he either kissed me or hugged me. Did I do something wrong without realizing it? My heads started to get full of negative's thoughts and my heart started to pound in anxiety.
The sky was all covered, the clouds were in a very dark grey, meaning that a storm was about to come. It also started to snow, I was looking at the amazing view of Tokyo with the snow that was gently fallen from the sky. "Hey Lawliet, look how cute." I said backing my hands on the cold window's glass and turned my head with smile to meet his, whose didn't pay attention to me.
"Do not say my name loud, or your plan would have been a waste of time If someone had heard you." He said emotionless, with words scanned and cold, still watching the screen in his usual position.

I took my hands to my chest, feeling my heartbeat, with my eyes down. I almost felt offended by this cold attitude he had with me. He looked at me with the corner of his eye, checking if I was crying or not with his thumb on his down lip.
"Do you mind If I go to sleep?" I said taking a lock of hair behind my ear, without looking at him, feeling still offended.
"That wouldn't cause me any trouble." He said coldly. I took off his shirt with I still had on from last night and gave it to him, with my heart almost broke. "This is yours." I said coldly leaving it next to him and making my way thru the bedroom. He didn't even turn his head to meet mine, or maybe a goodnight kiss, nothing at all. "Good night (Y/N)." He said watching his telecameras and taking a slice of ultra sweet cake from the kitchen.
He has always been like this, but I don't deny the fact that I felt alone in that cold double bed that night.

Lawliet's (P.O.V)

I was watching my telecameras, checking on Light.
I trusted (Y/N)' s plan, but I didn't want to waste all my time just focusing on it. I thought that maybe Light and Misa could have fooled her and I wanted to win this case, to finally erase Kira from this world.

It is true that I didn't look at her much today, I had to focus more on my job, I've left it behind for too much. She would understand, she's an investigator too after all, I hope she's not crying in that bedroom.
After a couple of hours I went and checked to see if she was asleep. I opened the door, and found her in my bed's side, sleeping quietly and hugging the pillow like a little and innocent child.
I felt horrible and guilty at that moment, I felt a twinge in my heart, which was slowly becoming worst. I gently closed the door sighing and went back to my telecameras and files, as I looked out of the giant window, seeing littles pieces of ice fell from the grey sky.

(Y/N)'s (P.O.V.)

His cold attitude continued for a few days and I thought I could die soon or later, I couldn't resiste anymore.
It was almost night, and the sky went all grey again. It started to rain very hard and I could already see thunders approaching us. I decided to go out for a walk, he wouldn't considered me anyway so I took my umbrella and went to the door.
He saw me opening it, he went from the kitchen with a cup of tea, looking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"It's thundering outside, are you sure you want to go out for a walk now?" He said taking a sip of his hot and sweet tea still looking at me with his tired eyes.
"I'll manage it, I'll be back soon." I said closing the door behind my back.

I stopped in front of the hotel's entrance, looking at the rain, crashing fast and hard to the ground and the wind, which was making a very loud noise. I opened the umbrella scared and took a step outside of the hotel full of courage burning inside my chest.
I went to a sorta of square where I could see almost the Tokyo's skyline, which was very near from the hotel.
I started to think that maybe Lawliet was ignoring or wasn't considering me enough because he got already bored of me, maybe he doesn't even love me anymore. My chest started to burn again.
As I thought about it, tears started to fall from my eyes and made my legs shake. What did I do wrong? Wasn't I enough?
I fell on the cold and wet street on my knees, letting go my umbrella who immediately flew away for the wind.
The sky lighted blue and purple for a second, and then a strong thunder fell from the sky making me scream.
I was so scared and in tears that I couldn't move a single muscle, my body was froze and completely wet.
I started to think that maybe I was a hindrance for him, that it was better If I wouldn't came her in Japan at all.
I stood up still in tears and tried to reach my way back to the hotel.

There was too much fog and I couldn't see a thing.
My eyes were almost closed for the wind and the tears, which were still falling in the street.
I searched the hotel anywhere, I couldn't find anyone to ask where it could be or If he could lead me. My legs couldn't take this anymore, I couldn't felt my muscles or eyes anymore.
I fainted on the cold and wet street, while the sky was still thundering, indeed it was getting worst.

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