Chapter 1: Welcome to the 21st Century

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"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"

"John Lennon, it was," he gave me a look as though this was something he did every day, "And thas' Paul, George, and Ringo." He pointed behind his back, Paul with a flirtatious wink, Ringo with a friendly wave, and George with a simple nod. 

I could feel my vision begin to get blurry from keeping my eyes wide for that long.

"Now, love, you mind telling us where we are?" 

I didn't answer, still taking in the scene in front of me. Then, finally, the logic snapped back into my head, and I mustered up the courage to speak.

"Oh, I get it. Good one, you had me going." I could feel a relieved smile set upon my face. 

"Beg your pardon?" John's face twisted into characteristic confusion, as did the entourage behind him. 

"No, no, no, I beg your pardon. Damn, I'm sorry," I put one hand behind my neck and chuckled lightly, "You really got to look down, though. The whole accent, the hair, even the clothing, it looks almost period. Are you like a tribute band, or...?"

John turned to look at his bandmates, themselves exchanging a few whispers.

"Does anyone know what the hell she's on about?"

"Haven't the foggiest. Maybe we should try someone else?" 

"It's America, George, who knows how far we could be from someone helpful." 

"At least she's not freakin' out. Here, let me try." Paul sauntered forward, giving me a charming look. I giggled at how committed these guys were.

"So, where would you be from?"

"New Jersey, as it would happen. Newark." I kept smiling as I played along. This could be fun. Paul's smile fell again as he turned to his bandmates.

"Shit, I we're in America." 

"Well yeah, her accent." 

"But, I mean, how did we get, well, here? Overseas?"

"Thought we'd already moved past the shock, Paul. Let's just try to get to a phone." 

"Are we gonna ask crazy, again?"

"Sssshut up, you idiot." Paul pushed George aside again, and returned to me as though he hadn't just called me crazy.

"There any phone that we could use around here, darling?"

"Ummm, public phone, no? When's the last time we had pay phones in Jersey, anyway? And, um, most buildings are closed by now. You can use mine if you want, though." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the tiny black rectangle that my life centered around. I swiped across the screen and began to input my password, when I heard a very rude scoff from the people across from me. 

"What the bloody hell is that?" John stepped forward once again, looking down on me with frustration rather than forced charm. 

"It's a phone? Look, I get you guys are acting, but if you seriously need help, I can-" 

"Whas this acting thing you keep talkin about? We're not doing anything! Come on, let's-" 

"Alright! Alright! Jeez! Y'know, you really took this way to seriously. God." I turned around in a huff and began to walk away, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I began to walk back through the parking lot of my school, still searching for my car, angrily pressing on the keys in my pocket. 

The group went back to whispering amongst themselves, and I would be lying if I said I didn't grow a little anxious. But again, the logic snapped into my head. There's no way a tribute band of that stature would ruin their reputation by going after me. Then again, it was important to question what they were doing in a high school parking lot in the first place. 

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