Chapter 3: Mornings in the Midwest

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Pennsylvania is not the midwest. I knew that.

But any town that is just so out of the way, with large, spaced out distances between houses, and stores with gigantic empty parking lots, and honestly a candidate for the setting of Napoleon Dynamite basically classifies as a midwest town.

And so, there we were, in a town that I didn't know the name of, the Beatles in my car, all still absolutely passed out, probably out of stress, if that was even possible. I hadn't slept a wink, I was still to jittery from yesterday, though that was probably for the better, as I had noticed a strange pair of headlights pulling in the first time, and I quickly made a point to speed out of my chosen parking lot, find an empty motel, park there, and turn my lights off until the car passed. I then continued on my merry way to this tiny Pennsylvanian town.

We were in the parking lot of a strip mall, which was now buzzing, though it had been completely empty a few hours ago. I looked around at my current company. I could leave them for just a few minutes.

Slowly, I pushed the door open and crept out of the car, a satisfying beep following behind me as I walked inside, and locked the car. A hint of déjà vu reminded me of what had happened last night when I had pulled that same trick. Let's just hope they didn't wake up this time.

The back pocket of my shorts had about 200 dollars in cash, and that was all. I could spare a few for comfort, and possibly as a peace offering from last night. Let's hope this mall had all I need.

I pulled the rickety door open to the car again, this time noticing a few awake faces. The sunlight was now streaming through the windows, and for some reason I still felt like I had just woken up, despite the fact that the clock I had checked in the coffee shop said that it was noon.

"Good mornin'." I knew they weren't gonna start the conversation, so that was up to me. I climbed back into the van and took the drivers seat. Both John and George were awake, and I had apparently interrupted their conversation. However, I had to keep the veneer up and act like I didn't care.

"Um, I got y'all some food. It's not much, cause I dunno when we're gonna need this money, but it should do fine," I set a bag of croissants behind me, the heat radiating off of it, while I placed the coffee I had gotten for myself in the cupholder, "And, uh, I got you a new shirt," I pushed my thrift store purchase, a graphic green t-shirt with St. Patricks day plastered all over it, towards him, "Well, it's not new, it's used, but, uh, it's all I could get, so..." I was talking too much. I took a long sip of my coffee and closed my eyes while leaning back into my seat.

"Thanks" George said very quietly, as he began to change his shirt. I courteously looked away and peered to the back of the car. Lennon hadn't even bothered with the bag, and was still giving me a look.

"Are ya hungry or not?" The nerve that I had acquired in the last few days was astonishing.

"Noticed you're not eating one yourself." He squinted.

"I'm not hungry. They're for you. Look, if you don't want 'em, I can-"

"Try one first."

"I'm really not hungry, but I assure you they're fine."

"Well, then, try one."

"Um, okay," I set my coffee down and began to rustle through the bag before I looked up again at him, disdainfully, "Wait, you think I poisoned them, don't you? For the love of God." I pulled my hand out and began to face towards the front again.

"Well you're not gonna try 'em, so how should I know you didn't do something to them."

"Why the hell would I poison them?" I had turned around to argue with him directly, which was never a good idea.

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