Part 3: Freedom

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So here's the thing about complete and utter freedom- you either don't know quite what to do with yourself, or you go overboard and do anything and everything you can think of.

I had some freedom in my parents house, don't get me wrong. It wasn't a prison, by any means. It just wasn't the same as living on your own in a new city with no rules.

I started out with the former, not knowing how to fill my time. I read, a lot, and I think I actually binged Gilmore Girls twice through on Netflix. I played a lot of music, I had taken my guitar and my keyboard with me so I managed to practise and write some songs. I missed my drum kit, however I don't think my 7 new flatmates would've appreciated it much.

I eventually got on to the latter, saying yes to all the flat parties that would go on, and still show up to the ones I wasn't invited to.

I got on with most of my flatmates, apart from one.

We dubbed her Flat Hitler.

For the sake of this, we'll call her Ashley.

She was the WORST.

She literally thought she owned the place, to the point where she would come into our rooms unannounced to yell at us or to throw in a frying pan we hadn't washed up.

She would spread horrible rumours about us to the other flats. Like apparently, my other flatmate killed her hamster within the first week.


Honestly she was a nightmare. She eventually moved flats because we were "bullying" her. I think she just ran out of things to spread about us.

One time, she told me that her aunt and uncle were spies, and that she could have me assassinated if she wanted to. I mean. I MEAN.

Anyway. There were two people in that flat I was actually friends with. Let's call them Freya and Tim. I'm still friends with Freya now, but unfortunately Tim and I no longer speak. That's a whole other drama I'll get to later on.

Freya decided that I needed to be educated in movies, so we would have a movie night most nights. She'd make me watch really obscure ones that I'd never heard of, and then we'd watch a classic or a Disney or something, to ease our minds. We'd spend all night in her room with a multitude of snacks and drink, just chatting, watching, and not worrying. They were the best nights.

Tim came in late to the flat, about 3 weeks after we'd all moved in. He was so shy at first that we never said his name right (remember he's not actually called Tim lol) because he would always say it so quietly. He was great, in a couple of months he'd be one of my best friends. He was there for me through a lot of shit (again, I'll get to it), and he always knew what I needed. If all I needed was to sit in a dark room, hold hands and play some music, that's what we'd do. He would never judge.

Until he did. I'll get there, I promise- there are a few more gaps to fill in first.

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