Chapter 2/ Taffy^ Nikkis wolf

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Hello! Thank you for continuing my little story here. I appologize for the chapters being so short. Please enjoy though!

Nikki  P.O.V.

About 20 minutes pass before faith calms down and stops crying. I push her black curls behind her ear and smile at her. She smiles back and I ask if she wants a ride. She nods her head enthusiastically and beams at me. I slowly back away and shift into my 5 foot tall solid black wolf and lower for faith to climb on. We both smile as I begin  to half run half walk throught the forest and smile as I hear my sister giggling on my back.

As we continue I begin to feel like something is familiar. I slow my pace as Faith mind links me.
'Something feels strange Nick...' I smile for a second at my sisters nickname for me before I turn my head sharply to the smell of burned wood.

I dont feel heat from anywhere, so I decide to fallow the scent. As I walk slowly in its direction a weight drops in my stomach. I begin to shake as fear takes over my body.

"This... this cant be... our birth pack...." Taffy shutters just as I do. However, I am in to much disbelief to respond. Faith does not understand why I am so scared. She jumps off my back and walks infront of me.

"Nick, what's wrong?" Her blood red eyes watch me as I slowly shift back to a human and wordlessly take her hand. She does not struggle out of my right grip and I know it's because she sees I am still shaking. I remember exactly where it was, from crystal clear memories that almost feel like yesterday.

I pick up Faith and carry her on my hip so she does not trip on the crisp burned wood. As I walk tword the alpha house, the only house iv ever known, I begin to feel a pulling that urges me to go faster. However, since I have faith in my arms, I control  myself and continued my slow and steady walk. I hear a crunch under my feet but I am to worried about what it could be to look and clarify.

"Faith." I say to my sister once we are at the entrance.

"This is where we were born, where you grew up for 3 years" she looks up at me and I feel the tears beginning to show as I cant look away from the burned black frame that used to be my home.

"Can we go now? I dont like it here." I look down at her, I can see her worrie for me all over her face. I shift her weight to one arm and wipe my tears away with the other hand.

"We can go Faith, but before we do, I just want to look and see if we can use anything here." As if on cue I here her little tummy growl for food. We both giggle a little at the sound because it always sounds like a kitten hissing at someone. I then look down at her and nod my head to steal my resolve and enter the house. We need food, and it might be possible to find food here. As I look through the house and begin to remember the awful day that we lost our home and parents.

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