Chapter Two: A Bad Day.

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I'm sorry for the lack in updating, It's been a year! I never get any ideas. :(

So, this chapter's been expected for a while lol... I had MAJOR writers block, as you can see. I'm terribly sorry! Love you guys! Oh, and I think I improved with my grammar and everything. This chapter will be short, I start school tomorrow and have to get to sleep. I''m really sorry about the long wait and short chapter. I'll make it up to you! Promise! Now that I've finished the chapter, I'm going to watch a scary movie for inspiration haha. Love you, sorry!



"Alright class, you may start typing your autobiography!" Mr. Hanson, my technology teacher, called.

I sighed, then started typing. It took me about five minutes to write.

Hi! I'm Emma Driver. My friends call me Em, though! I'm 17 years old and I live in Kittery, Maine. My favorite song is

I thought for a moment. I didn't have a favorite song.

I groaned and leaned back in my seat. The girl to my left, Alyssa, was staring at her screen and typing slowly. The girl to my left whose name I forgot, was giggling at the screen while she looked at pictures of puppies. I rolled my eyes.

My day had been terrible and it's only fourth period. In first period I fell asleep and got a detention from Mr. Lawyer, in 2nd I forgot my homework in my locker and got an F, and in third period I fell in gym during a race and everyone laughed at me. It was so embarrassing.

I erased the favorite song part of my autobiography and started going on about how I wanted to be a vet and what college I planned on going to.


I walked home from school since I lived about five minutes away and listened to music on my iPod. I hummed along to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol and paused when I walked in the door to my house. There was a slight chill in the air so I turned up the heat and went into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

The front door opened and I yelled a greeting to my mother, who I thought was home from work. I quickly realized it was 2:30 and she doesn't get home until 4. Ha. I laughed at myself, thinking I imagined the noise.

I happily went back to making my sandwich, singing along to Nobody Compares by One Direction. I would never tell anybody this, but I was in love with One Direction. Niall Horan was so yummy!

Footsteps made their way up the stairs and I paused. The floor creaked above me, indicating someone was upstairs. I took a deep breath and slowly grabbed a pan from the cabinet. I made my way towards the footsteps, which were now in my room, and tried to be as quiet as possible. When I stepped into my room, I was surprised to see who it was.


He smirked before a rag went over my mouth and I blacked out.


When I woke up, I was on a rickety old bed. My wrist was sore so I tried pulling it to examine it but unfortunately, it was chained to the bedpost. I took in my surroundings. There were two chairs directly across from the bed, a night stand, and a closet.

Isaac walked in and sat down in one of the chairs. He pulled it closer and looked at me. He gave me a genuine smile, making me think this was a joke or something.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Now now, I can't give you that kind of information, Emma." He said, shaking his head. His genuine smile suddenly turned creepy and it gave me chills.

"Oh, am I scaring you?" He asked, walking closer to me.

I looked at his tall figure in fear but didn't answer him.

"Why?" Was all I could breathe out.

"Why? I can't tell you why, silly!" He said, making it seem like I was insane for asking.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't want to die so young, I had so much to look forward to. I wanted to go to college, become a vet, get married, and have children. I wasn't sure why Isaac took me, but I was determined to find out.

I groaned and looked at my wrist. I wiggled it around, trying to get it out of the tight rope, but nothing happened. My wrist turned red and I continued to wiggle it around in the rope. I forgot about Isaac sitting by my bed until I heard him chuckle.

"You're not gonna get out." He told me, laughing.

I screamed in frustration and glared at him.

Suddenly, the door opened and a tall middle aged man walked in. He had sunglasses on and a bandana tied above his nose. He topped it off with a cowboy hat. What, did he think he was a cowboy or something?

I snorted and Isaac looked at me, his eyes angry.

"I'll have you know, this was a disguise." The man said. He took off his disguise and I gasped in shock.

Standing there was Isaac's father, Richard. I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me, it made me squirm and goosebumps form on my arms.

He let out a cold laugh. "Isaac, we have to go home. Your mother's made dinner."

Isaac nodded and followed his father out the door. They turned off the light and left me alone in my room. I let a few tears slip down my cheeks as I realized something. I was abducted.


(A/N) Again, sorry about how short it is! The other chapters will be longer! I love you all so much. I'll update as much as I can so don't abandon my story just yet! I'm starting school tomorrow so it'll be hard but we can do this! :-) Love you all sooooooooooo much you don't even know how bad I feel about not updating for A YEAR. ♥♥♥

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Rachel (:

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