Troublesome Jerk

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'This is bad, really bad..' Shinwoo went foreword in front of the gang as the giant man walked foreword, a low growl comes from his mouth. His eyes.. They look dead and lifeless, and in the pit of your stomach you wonder if she is one of the scientist that do human experimentation. Your thoughts went to Tao, M-21, and Takeo, their painful expressions making your blood boil in anger. "I'm gonna call out on your bull. What do you want?" Shinwoo can be sharp in his on right, since he too is a excellent fighter. 'But there is no way he can against that guy..' "Guys, get out of here and get help." SHinwoo cracked his knuckles. "No! Shinwoo wait you can't-" Your whirled around as Ikan, Suyi and Yuna were knocked out by another giant man. "Perfect! I was wanting to have you too boy!" You grit your teeth, scared but have to be brave! "Listen.. I'll do my best to hold them off. You call for help ok?" 'No..damn it don't cry!' You're not losing Shinwoo.. Youre not losing anyone!!! "(Y/n)?!" You didn't register Shinwoos call as your eyes began to glow. "She's glowing!! Quick you fools grab them!!" You quickly held your hand up, a force sends the man near your friends flying 30 feet through the air. Whirling around, you see Shinwoo blocking a punch and twisting the other mans arms, sending him to the ground. He suddenly screams in agony as he is downed by a electric shock. "Whew! That's one down!" The woman, Dr. Aris twirled a strange looking taser gun in her hand. You were in a daze as Shinwoo hits the ground.

"Shinwoo.. Ah.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" At that moment, nothing mattered and your vision was only showing how you were going to kill this woman. "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!" You shouted and ran to her. She jumped back a force that left a dent where she was standing. "Tch, damn you brat!!" She shoots the gun point blank to your arm. You grit your teeth at the pain from the shock. But you're not going down.. Unless you take her down with you. You grabbed the gun from her hand and crushed it. "Amazing! Unfazed?! As scientifically amazing as it is I need you to go fucking night night, you wench!" She pulls another gun and syringe from her holster filled with purple liquid. You growled as a surge of energy raises object and garbage up around you. "You're going to regret this, you bitch." "Hey now, watch your tongue!" You froze at a unlikely voice from the rooftops. A figure jumps down between you and the crazy doctor. "M-Muzuka!?" He salutes you. "Yo." You calm down a bit, noticing Aris backing away. "Damn you mutt!! Didn't I say to not get in my way!?" The large male crossed his arms. "And didn't HE say that you were not allowed to come out of time out?" She scowled the ugliest scowl you'd ever seen. But they know each other?? Muzuka expression turns dark. "Now get out of here or I'll rip you to shreds." The growling did it as as she pushed a button on her wrist, a jet coming out of her suit. She fled the scene, you quickly go to Shinwoo on the ground. "Shinwoo.." "He's fine, unconscious but he'll pull through." You growled in frustration, kicking yourself as you should have skewered her from the start! You then get up and turned to the werewolf with his hands in his pockets and thought of something. "So then what are you doing here?" He looks down at you nonchalantly and shrugs. "In all truth, I'm supposed to  kidnap you." You tense up before relaxing as he holds his hand up to stop you. "But I'm not going to. Want to know what's going on?" You breathed in, not sure where this will take you. "Yes- OUCH!!" You held your forehead after he flicked it. "Then take me for food. You're treat of course. Let's get your friends back to the crazy scientists place." Muzuka walks past you and slung Shinwoo over his shoulder like a rag doll. You pouted at him cursing under your breath. But if you want answers, you have to follow his lead.

'I cant believe this, stupid jerk!'

Thanks for reading!

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