Its On!!

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"I'm telling you there is NO way you can beat me!" You crossed your arms, giving a playful glare at Shinwoo. "And I'M telling YOU that I can!" He threw his head back and laughed. "HA! Let me tell you something, sweetheart. At this particular restaurant, In this bowl, is the one of the SPICIEST bowls of ramen found in South Korea!" He put a hand on his hip and jabbed a thumb to himself. "No one has robbed me of the title of 'fastest person to finish the ramen bowl' and no one will." You huffed and slammed your hands on the table. "Until today! I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!!" Ikan looked between you and him, perking as Suyi and Yuna came with their trays and sat down. "Whats going on?" Suyi whispered, Yuna looking at you both in amusement. "They are at it again.." Ikan whispered back, both girls nodded and 'aaah' in union. Shinwoo pointed at Ikan, eyes still on you. "Ikan! When I give the signal, start the timer!" Ikan gulped, holding up the watch. "This is silly.." Regis shook his head as he crossed his arms. Serias came from the line, setting down a bowl for you and for Shinwoo, the heat from the spices making your eyes water. BUT!! You wouldn't back down and give up! "..Good luck.." Serias said as she sat next to Regis. Raizel and Frankenstein looked at you both as Ikan waited. "GO!!!!" You got to work, slurping the spicy noodles. The action burning your lips, as you sniffed. You tried to slurp as much as you can, cooling off the heat. Shinwoo was doing the same, but you were not focused on him. You were focused on DEFEATING HIM. You were done with the noodles, now it is time for the soup. You drank, the burning sensation seems to worsen as the soup fills your belly. Shockingly to most, both of you sat your empty bowls down at the same time! Both of you huffing and puffing, trying to get the heat to cool down. "SO!" SHinwoo rasped and looked at Ikan. "Who is the champion!?" You all hear a laughed from the good restaurant owner approaching the group. "I'm sorry to say guys, but you weren't even close to break the record!" What!? "Wait a minute!!" Shinwoo got up in disbelief. "But I am the champion!" The owner shook his head. "I'm so sorry my boy, that was a couple of weeks back. We have a new champion that broke your record!" He pointed at a picture at a wall. Both your jaws dropped at a familiar figure in the picture, surrounded by two stacks of empty bowls.


You look at the said man next to you, sipping his soup nonchalantly. He looked at you with the corner of his eyes. Your face turns red as he winked at you. "N-No way.." Both of you slumped back down in your chairs. You hid a smile as his hand slipped in yours. "Is there anything you're not good at Rai!?" He held his finger to his lips at Shinwoos question. "..It's a secret."

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