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She lived in the neighboring house. Her window across from mine was always open.

   Her guitar always serenaded me. Morning or night, rain or shine. Her voice was like nothing I'd ever heard sweet and melodic  

She never sang songs about petty issues and break ups, but of a love that was really something. She sang about a dark haired boy with green eyes who always saw the beauty in things including the small.

He never saw her, for his eyes were not like most. The didn't let him view the world, only endless night minus the moon and stars.
Though when she sang and played that guitar, the world had color.

☀️~Have a sunny day~☀️
Love, Rylee Nicole
If you're having a cloudy day I hope the picture of my puppy makes the sun peek out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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