There was an awkward silence between them all. All meaning, Pha Forth and May. They were sitting round the coffee table in the lounge room, wondering what to say.
Pha sat there fiddling with his fingers, not sure of what to say.
Forth was more nervous than he could ever have been. Pha squeezed his hand upon noticing which seemed to calm him down.
May cleared her throat, obvious that she had noticed the uncomfortable atmosphere.
"Um, the baby.. I just thought she should be able to have both her parents, you know" she gave Pha and Forth a small smile.
"She?" Forth spoke out finally, intrigued more about the baby.
May's smile became a bit wider, "Yeah, I have a scan if you’d like to see it"
"Owhh.. yeah"
She pulled out a small picture of what Pha knew as the baby's scan, and handed it to Forth. Pha watched Forth's face become immersed into the scan; he seemed less nervous now. Pha somewhat admired his maturity.
"Baby! Look!" he called out like a child in a sweet shop, overly excited and full of sugar. Forth showed Pha the scan. Pha had no idea what he was supposed to feel when he saw it but luckily Forth was too excited to question him. But Pha knew one thing for sure that he felt quite content that the baby would be a part of Forth.
"You can keep that one if you like" May informed, "I'm due for another scan anyway".
Pha really had no idea what to say now; Forth was still looking at the scan and if he hadn’t of known any better, it was as if May was ogling at his husband. He pushed the irritation he had against her to one side, convincing himself that he had nothing to worry about.
May stood up, grabbing both Pha's and Forth's attention, "I need to get going now..."
Forth stood up as well, "Ok then."
It was an awkward goodbye, but she left the house to god knows where.
Pha was sitting beside Forth, noticing his smile as he looked at the scan, grazing a thumb over it. He looked so much more grown up now. Pha couldn’t help but lean in and kiss his cheek.
Forth looked at him, slightly bewildered, "What was that for?"
"Oh nothing, I guess I'm just really proud of you" Pha stood up and made his way up the stairs, all the while noticing Forth's happy smile and faintly red cheeks.
Pha jumped onto the bed, laying on his stomach and noticed his precious stuffed toy. He grabbed it and played around with its ears.
"Well, aren't you just the cutest cat ever"
Pha sighed and turned to lay on his back, with Munich(Name of the toy) sitting on his stomach, "Munich, what have I gotten myself in to? Forth knocked up an annoying small woman! I mean, how the hell is that going to work out...should I have married him Munich?"
Pha tapped the toy's head making Munich's electronic voice to be heard, "Meow Meow"
Pha sighed at it's response, "You’re right, I don't want to be not married to Forth...God! You'd think he’d know how to use a freaking condom! Munich, do you want to be the father of May's baby? Hmm? I'm sure she won't mind"
"Meow Meow!"
"Hmm.. I don't blame you for disagreeing... Munich, do you think I love Forth? I mean. Beam and Kitty think I do, but how do I tell if I do or not?" Pha sighed again, "Ugh, look at me, I'm talking to a stuffed cat! I must be crazy"'Crazy in love...' A small voice in his head chimed through his ears.
"Pfft, no I'm not...stupid brain!"
'Yes you are, yes you are, yes you are!'
"Arrgh!" Pha calmed down little, "Well, Forth does have a pretty smile, and he's cute when he blushes, not as cute as you though Munich!"
Pha heard footsteps coming up the stairs, "Munich, this conversation doesn't leave this room, Okiee, between you and me!"
Forth entered the room, "You talking to someone?"
"I was on the phone a moment ago" Pha smiled.
" want some pizza, I'm ordering in"
"Um yes please!"
Forth looked at Pha, then at the stuffed toy in his hold, "I hope you're not terrorising the poor cat!"
"Shiaaaa Forth, You asshole!!" Pha's voice followed by Forth's booming laughter filled their household.
Enjoy. Vote and Comment.Love
Arranged Marriage ( Completed)
FanfictionIt's been decided. Phana's fate has ended when his parents had come up with the decision of marrying him to the younger son of Jathurapooms. For crying out loud, he is not a GIRL. Though there are set of rules between them, one of them being NO SEX...