Chapter 1

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Diagon Alley.

Dear Ms. Albert,
We are pleased to inform you that you have accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A copy of mandatory supplies is enclosed in this envelope. Please purchase all of your supplies before the school year begins. The Hogwarts Express will leave at precisely eleven o'clock on September first. We hope to see you there!
Professor Minerva McGonnagal

I reread the letter again, probably for the gazillionth time. Alright, I thought to myself, hopefully this will give me a whole new start.

"Cathy!" my mother shouted up to me, "Are you done packing yet?"

"Not quite yet, mom. I need just a few more minutes. I need to pack my sweatpants!" I replied.

"Okay! We'll leave soon, but in the meantime, lunch is served!"

I was kind of excited.

Okay. I lied. I'm REALLY excited! I have never been to Hogwarts even though I'm thirteen, I've never been to, what was it called? Oh yeah! Diagon Alley, I think.

You see I'm an exchange student. I did go to Beauxbatons Academy, but, well, let's just say that Madam Maxime will probably not be seeing much of me anymore. She never liked me from the beginning though. She thought that I was the three S's. Stubborn, stupid, and snobby. Well I was stubborn. I'm not stupid. Duh. And she thinks I'm snobby because of a dumb dictionary.

She owled my mother after I said some kick- butt comment to her, and after she determined that I was uncooperative. She called me 'stuck up' which really annoyed me. Then I bought a dictionary, put a note, (Please turn to page six hundred and forty- nine.) Well, she did. I happened to highlight the definition of 'stuck up' and put a picture, (hand drawn,) of her with an arrow pointing to the definition. She got mad. Like, you know, I've never seen anyone's face that red, kind of mad. Oh well. She hated me from that moment on. And I hated her, too. What a loving student- teacher relationship.

At the end of last year, I pulled this awesome prank on everyone. I put a permanent sticking potion in the wax that they use to polish the floors. the potion was spread all over the entire school, and people's feet were getting stuck to the floors. It was hilarious. Or that's my opinion, anyways. Then Madam Maxime kicked me out. Whatever. I couldn't care less. All of the girls there are 'stuck up'. I don't really for in with satin and bows and fancy shmancy stuff anyway. For example, Fleur Delacour is all, perfect perfect this, and glittery glitter that. It makes me want to puke at how 'proper' she is.

Anywho, once I was all ready to go, I loaded my dad's muggle car. My mom knows hot to drive. Sort of. If you're riding with her, it's a bumpy ride. She's more into aparating. Which of course, my dad being a muggle, he cannot do.

We moved last month, and since then, I've become very close friends with the girl across the street. Her name's Lexi. She's gone to Hogwarts since she was eleven. We picked her and her mom up, and drove for about half and hour before reaching London. There's a lot a scenery.

We went through the back of the Leaky Cauldron, and stopped at a brick wall. Lexi's mother tapped a few of the bricks, in a sort of pattern, I guess, and the wall parted to an archway. Cool!

We got all the supplies that we needed, and more. By the time we were done, my arms were stuffed full of things we had bought. The boxes piled over my head, and I couldn't exactly see where I was going. Lexi, her mom, and my mom were going to look at owls, and I still wanted to look at the quills. I told them I'd be right along.

I walked out of the store, and rammed into something solid.


"Oh! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

I nodded. I had dropped everything. Not to mention fallen flat on my face.

"Are you sure?"

I looked up and saw a red headed boy, probably around fourteen.

"Yeah. I'm fine. And it's not your fault. It's mine. I wasn't looking where I was going."

He laughed, "Well I don't really think you could see through all of those boxes and bags." He had a point there. "I'm George. George Weasley." He put his hand out, and I took it.

"I'm Cathy. Cathy Albert."

He helped me pick up my things, and said, "Are you going to Hogwarts? I'm in my fourth year."

"I am. I'm only in my third though. You've never seen me there, though. I'm an exchange."

"Cool! My youngest brother is going into his second this year." He put a lot of emphasis on youngest. Hmm? Wonder why?

"Awesome. Well maybe I'll see you at school then."

We left, and I met up with the others.

"Where've you been? I was getting nervous!" Lexi said.

"Oh. I ran into someone." Literally, I thought.

She raised her eyebrows, but dropped the subject. We continued of shoporama, and I started to think that Hogwarts will a whole lot different than Beaxbatons.

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