Chapter 4.

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The New Girl

A/N- This has nothing to do with the chapter, but thank you to those of you who read and comment and vote. I means a lot to me!

I awoke, to my surprise, with my head still on Fred's chest. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was surrounded by people. Angelina was one of them. Eventually my brain's gears got turning and I realized that this scene was about to get ugly. Angelina was just standing there, her face red and fire burning in her eyes. I elbowed Fred, and he awoke, still groggy. He looked around, and in about two seconds, had jumped up and made a beeline for the boy's dorms.

"Well, I'm just gonna go and change now..." I said hesitantly.

"Oh no you don't," Angelina said rather nastily. "You're gonna tell me exactly what just happened last night. I reserve the right to know. I am his girlfriend."

At the word 'girlfriend', I cringed slightly. This looked bad. And it was going to sound even worse.

"I, uh, well we just, um well I kinda don't know how to explain this without it sounding bad, but uh, I swear I just fell asleep. I didn't- we didn't- uh..." I stuttered.


I jumped up and ran outside to my Tree, as I call it. It's a big oak tree right out in the courtyards. It's my hideout. My quiet place.

I climbed the long branches, tears streaming out of my eyes, as I accidentally scraped my elbow on a piece of bark.

I was so miserable, that I didn't notice the sound of someone approaching.

"Hey. So, I saw what happened back there...," it was George.

"George, what am I gonna do? You believe me don't you?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Then throw some ideas out to helps me!"

"That's just what I came to see to you about. I wanted to talk."

"About...?" I said curiously.

"Anything," was his vague answer.

"Oookayyyyy. Well, I guess. I can trust you right? You won't go blabbing to Fred or Angelina or anyone?"

George put his right hand over his heart and his left hand up, as if making a vow. "I promise."

"Well, I guess that since you saw that whole scene this morning, I should say that it wasn't really on purpose. I came downstairs, and couldn't sleep, just like Fred, so he invited me to sit next to him by the fire. We ended up falling asleep, and well, that's that. However I am kind of surprised that you're not mad at me for getting in the way of your other half's relationship."

"Nah. Not upset. Just the opposite really," he said. "But never mind me, keep going."

"So this might sound crazy, and I know that I've only been here for a few days, but I feel a connection to Fred somehow. And you. But mainly Fred. You seem like more of a brother to me. Fred, well, I don't know. I guess that you could say that I have a crush on him. But that won't matter. He's taken."

"Actually, the incident this morning benefitted both of us."

"Wait- what?" I asked, completely dumfounded.

"That's why I followed you. As soon as you laid eyes on Fred, I could tell how much you cared about him. And here's my grand confession, I like Angelina. And if I know my twin at all, which I do, is say that you mean a little more than a friend to him as well. So. I've come to make a deal. We'll help each other get who we want to be with. I'll help you by getting information on what he likes in a girl and why he asked her out in the first place and relay that to you. Together, you and I will be able to break Fred and Angelina apart. And I don't even know why he asked her out in the first place, they didn't really get along well last year. Oh well. He shuts me down every time I try to ask him why. But there you go, my half of the deal."

I sat in the tree, contemplating what George had just said. Why hadn't Fred told George anything? He tells him everything.

I slowly raised my eyes to meet his, and put my hand out. "You've got yourself a deal, George Weasley." And we shook hands.

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