Chapter 2.

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The Train Ride.

"Let's go!" My mom shouted.

I rolled my trunk downstairs, pecked my father on the cheek, and flew to the car. Finally, after many long hours of waiting, I could go!

We drove to King's Cross Station, and I unloaded my things. We walked into the station.

"Oi! Cathy?" someone shouted.

"Yep. It's me."

It was George. Hopefully he knew how to get onto the platform, because I sure as hell didn't.

"How was the rest of your summer?"

"Mine was alright, you?"


"Well, I actually don't know exactly where we are going, so could you help my mother and I get onto the platform?"

"Sure. It's a pretty simple process. Just run right through the barrier between platforms nine and ten."

"Won't we run into a wall?"

"Nope. That's the magic. I have to wait for the rest of my family to come along, but you can just go straight through."

"Alrighty then."

Mom went first. She ran directly towards the barrier, picking up speed. I expected her to hit solid brick, but instead, it looked like she had melted into the bricks. Then I went, running while pushing my luggage, and... I made it! Without a scratch!

The Hogwarts Express was, and this is a very strange word to describe a train, beautiful. Gleaming read with smoke puffing out the top. Shiny, and new looking, ready to carry a full load of students.

Mom's watch read 10:48. I kissed her goodbye and got on, in case her clock was a little fast. I wanted to have a look around and find a compartment early anyway.

I was wandering around with my trunk, trying to find somewhere to sit. I was about to go to the next compartment when I saw a boy with red hair. I opened the door.

"Hey, George!"

"Huh?" he asked. "I'm not George, I'm Fred."



"Well seeing as you know who George is, you probably thought that I was him. I'm his identical slightly more handsome than him, twin."

Sheesh. Big ego.

Now that I got a bit of a closer look at him, he was slightly cuter than George.

"Oh. Well I'm Cathy. I met your brother the other day in Diagon Alley. I ran into him, not looking where I was going."

Fred laughed. "Well anyways, what year are you in? I've never seen you around, even though you look older than eleven."

"Yeah. That's because I'm in my third year, but I'm an exchange student. I used to go to Beauxbatons. Would you mind if I sat with you two?" I asked when George came on.

"Not at all," they said in unison.

"Alright. Well, as I was saying, I got kicked out by the headmistress. Not that I really minded, of course."

"Why were you kicked out?" asked Fred.

And so I explained the prank of hate, that's the name I've taken the dictionary incident to calling. Then I explained the wax prank, and the two were fascinated.

"Wow! We're big pranksters ourselves, too," George said.

"We'll have to cause some trouble together this year," I said.

"There's this really mean caretaker at Hogwarts named Filch. He's a squib. Well anyway, he's the best to prank..."

We talked for hours getting to know each other pretty well. It was really fun.

Although half the time I just stared at Fred, not really listening to what he was saying, just, looking, at him. He's so cute, I thought. But you'll never have a chance with him anyways.

At around three o'clock, Fred decided to get up and wander around. He left, which left just George and I.

"You like him, don't you?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah. Why would I hate him?" I replied.

"No, Cathy. You know what I mean."

"No Georgie, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

I did.

"I can tell. You look at him weirdly."

"No. I- I don't."

"Yeah you do. I'm going to go find him and tell him," he threatened.

"NO! George Weasley you wouldn't!"

"Ah ha! you admit it!"


"Now I'm definitely going to tell him!"

George stood up, unlocked the compartment door, and ran down the train's hall.

After a short time, I found him, a tackled him.

"Ouch! Stop it! Okay! Okay! I won't tell!"


We were on our way back to the compartment, when we heard something in the storage closet. We thought it was a little odd, so we opened the door.

When I opened the door, George and I just stood there. As soon as I looked, I wished I hadn't. I wanted to look away, but somehow I couldn't.

Fred and some girl's lips were glued together, and it looked like she had her tongue down Fred's throat. It was hard to tell whose arms were whose. I couldn't help but wish that was me in the girl's shoes right then.

George coughed to announce our presence, and they both jumped back from each other, rather pink in the face. George shot me a sympathetic glance and then turned back to the two.

"Uh, hi," said the girl. I just glared at her.

"Uh, well, I'm um," she stuttered.

"Hi, Um," I said. I know it was mean, okay it was horribly mean. But as soon as I thought of her kissing Fred, my sympathy vanished.

"Well, actually, I'm Angelina, you can just call me Ang or, or Angel."

I smirked. Angel? Well that nickname was out of the question. Someone who is going to go around snogging my crush is not someone I'm going to be calling 'Angel'.

Fred came back to the compartment with us, and we walked in silence.

The rest of the train ride was pretty awkward, and eventually Fred left to go and find Um.

When the train stopped, I was still pretty annoyed over Um. With George's help, I unloaded my trunk and walked with George to the carriages.

As we approached the carriages, I noticed with a bit of shock that there were thestrals pulling them. As far as I knew, thestrals were wild creatures. Then I wondered if George was able to see them. I was.

I was miserable as we rode. That was, until I saw Hogwarts.

It was huge! Towers and windows! Trees and greenhouses! A hut and a Womping Willow! It was amazing!

As we got closer, the entire train ride slipped from my mind, as I took in the wonders of Hogwarts.

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