Monster Reader x Human Nikei Yomiuri

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(Also. Another Kagerou project reference.)

Once apon a time there was a little monster named Y/n. She was born in the darkness with no one around her.

As time passed she kept asking herself. "Who created me? What am i doing here?" This is the first time she felt her first emotion. "Loneliness"
She wondered around the earth.

Until she stumbled apon strange creatures known as Humans.
They look like her. But more... Plain looking.

She learned different cultures, Dances, Food Ect.

"Maybe they will accept who i am.." You thought.

But it wasn't the case. Humans started hating you and attacking you with everything they have.

"It hurts! Stop it please!" You cried out while running away from them.

You retreated into a small forest away from them.

For the very first time you felr "Despair" which made your personality towards humans Full of vengeance and hate.

You scare off many humans who come into your territory.

But with every human. You felt guilt. Despair. Saddness.

You sat on a large dead tree in a middle of a lake. Sadly looking into the sky.

But then...

"Are you alone too?" A little boy's voice asked, which caught the H/c monster by suprise.

"Get away! I don't want your stupid kind in my forest!" You ordered.

"S-sorry. I did not know its your forest. Whats your name? My name is Nikei"


"Come on i just want to know"

"And why should i tell you?"

"Cause i want to know you better since.... Im also alone"

You kept telling him to go away but he wouldn't. Everyday he would be by your side.

Day and night.

When it's raining he brings an umbrella and covers you to keep dry.

When it's snowing he would always try to make snowmen. And kept you out of the cold.

"This human is getting on my nerves..." You thought.

By now you thought he had given up. But Jesus said no.
The boy remains there no matter what.

(Btw you two are children lel)

Years past.
The young monster and the young man became teen-agers.

You felt a warm feeling in your heart.

"What is this feeling?" You thought.

You started opening up to the young man.

"I..... haven't said my name right....?" You managed to say.

"Your finally talking to me! Great!" The young man cheered.

You looked away abit. Its the first time you talked to a human nicely.

"And yeah. You haven't told me your name" the young man smiled.

"Y-y/n.... Its y/n... Your... Nikei right?" You said.

"Yeah. And im surprised you remembered my name" Nikei said.

"Coarse i remember you idiot! You have been here for years!" You crossed your arms and looked away.

(Tsundere reader XD)


"S-sorry.." you sighed.

"I-its fine! People at my school call me an Idiot." Nikei rubbed the back of his neck.

"They always bully me... My parents were.. kinda mean to me" He sighed.

"Humans were mean to each other?" You tilted your head abit

"Yeah.. B-but! Not all humans are bad!" He said.

"I guess. You can say that.." you said.

"I would write things to keep me calm. Like i would take information and post it in newspapers" He said.

"Newspaper? Whats that?" You seem confused.

"Its a piece of paper that tells you whats going on around the world. People who writes them are Journalist" Nikei said.

"So your a journalist?"

"Yeah! My pen and my paper are Always with me!" He smiled.

You smiled abit too which made nikei abit S H O O K E D

"This is the first time i have seen you smile Y/n!" Nikei said.


"How can you not know??"

"I... Never felt any good emotions before." You sighed.

"Thats sad... Do you want to be friends with me?" Nikei held out his hand from the bottom of the tree.

You were nervous abit. But...

You slowly floated down the tree.

(And yes you can float)

You slowly took his hand.

"Sure i guess.." you looked away.

The black haired young man smiled and you two hung out alot eversince.

You two were inlove with each other.

"Hey y/n try this on!" He gave you a bow tie.

"How do you wear this?" You tried tying it on your hand, face, legs.

"Umm let me do it for you." He grabbed the bow and went behind you and tied the bow on your hair.

"You look wonderful y/n!!" He smiled.

Which made you blush.

Slience broke out...

"Y/n...." Nikei said.

"H-huh---" Your eyes widened when you felt warm pair of lips on your forehead.

Which made you a tomato.

"N-n-nikei...?" You froze in shock.

"Y/n.. can we be... More than friends? " Nikei looked at you E/c orbs.

"What do you mean..?"

" Y/n... I love you." Nikei pulled you into a hug.

"H-how.... How can you love a monster like me?" You teared up abit. You had the same feelings for him but... You feel like you dont belong to him.

"Y/n your not a monster... I know that." He whispered.

"Heh... Thank you Nikei...", You smiled.

For the first time in life you know what "hope" "Happiness" and "love" feels like.

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