Chapter 12

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Once classes ended you met up with Midoriya outside of class. The walk towards the dorms was silent and you can tell Izuku was feeling awkward. "So, anything specific you wanna do?" "Huh? Oh uh no not really." "Hm ok, we can probably just watch some movies or something if you want maybe even get something to eat." "..l-like a date?.." Midoriya asked silently to himself. "Yeah sure haha" "AH I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT ALOUD!" "Calm down Izuku it's fine, besides I wouldn't mind going on a date with you." You said while laughing slightly making Izuku blush brightly. Timeskip
After going back to your dorms you both changed and met at your dorm. You earlier called for delivery pizza and set your room up so the two of you can sit comfortably on your bed while eating and watching your movie. "What movie you wanna watch?" "I'm fine with whatever as long as it's nothing scary.." "No horror got it, how about Big Hero 6?" "Ok!" Once the movie started you both pretty much finished the box of pizza within 30 minutes into the movie. After that you laid close to each other in bed, then you felt something leaning on you. You looked over and saw that Izuku had knocked out, you paused the movie and laid him down in a more comfortable position. "Goodnight Izuku." You whispered to him as you covered him under your blanket. After that you turned off the movie and got into bed with Izuku, spooning him in the process and fell asleep with him.
In dream
"(Y/N)!" You we're running away from someone in a forest. You didn't know who it was but you knew that you need to keep running. "Get back here coward!" 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck.' You thought to yourself as you dodged low branches and jumping over rocks. Then you came to a dead end. 'No god no please..' "You..." "shit." You said aloud. "Turn around (Y/N)." Your breathing went heavy and hard, every breathe you took in felt like your last as you slowly turned around to see yourself, covered in blood. Behind him were corpses of your friends with fresh wounds, blood everywhere. " no no." "Yes." "No stop please, I didn't do this!" "Yes you did (Y/N)! Look at them!" "No!" You backed into the wall, trembling. You can feel yourself panicking. "Y/N." "Get away from me!" The other you slowly walked over and grabbed your neck, choking you up against the wall. "You killed them all (Y/N) and you know it. They're dead not because they deserved it, but because you decided their lives didn't matter. Soon yours won't as well." Tears started to well up as you struggled to breathe and fight against yourself, clawing at the hand choking you. 'Is this how I die? By my own hands? I guess I shouldn't complain, some would call this a luxury. Guess I'll die.' You can see everything fading to black as you stopped struggling. But you can hear faint shouting, someone yelling out to you, calling your name. Then it got louder and clearer. "Y/N!" "Huh?" You sat up in bed and looked over at Izuku. He pounced on you and hugged you tightly. "What's going on? What happened?" "You were thrashing around in your sleep and when I tried shaking you awake you stopped breathing!" He cried. You took in a deep breathe and pulled Izuku into your chest, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry I worried you, I was just having a bad dream." "B-but you stopped breathing and I didn't know what to-" "Hey look at me." You looked him in the eyes. "It's ok, I'm ok now, everything is ok." You said to him although the last part was mainly for yourself. You kissed his forehead and laid back into bed with him, rubbing his back until he relaxed. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you (Y/N)..please don't leave me." "Hey no ones going anywhere, I'll be right here with you Izuku." He then slowly leaned up to look at your features, one hand moving up to touch the scar on your lip. "What happened?" He asked as he laid his head down on your chest, still looking up at you. "What do you mean?" "In your dream, what happened if you don't mind me asking." You petted his hair and sighed deeply. "I..I killed everyone. At least another me did, he was chasing me then choked me. I tried fighting back but I just gave up.." "That's why you stopped breathing.." "Yeah, again I'm sorry for worrying you." "I'm just glad you're fine now." The both of you went silent for a moment before you sat up and looked at Izuku, he as well sat up. "Hey Izuku?" "Yes?" "Can I kiss you?" Izuku' eyes then went wide and his face turned red. "What?!" "Ahaha sorry sorry, I was just thinking aloud, if you don't want me to that's fine." "Iwannakissyou!" He said quickly. You then grabbed his face and kissed him. It was a short kiss but you still liked it. Izuku looked down at his hands as he blushed brightly. He then reached over and held your hand. You can feel him shaking. You then leaned over and pushed him to lay back on the bed, your hands holding his above his head and made out with him. Things quickly got heated as you both took your clothes off, Izuku then turns himself over and hides his face in a pillow as he lifts his ass up for you. You smirked at this and positioned, as you entered you can hear him moaning into the pillow and squeezing it. You thrusted into him a few more times before you decide to go faster then leaning your head to his shoulder and biting down. Izuku's moan got louder, you're pretty sure the others can hear you both in their dorms next door. "Shit." You said as you felt yourself getting close to your climax. Your thrusting became more faster and harder, Izuku was practically screaming by now. When you both came there was a knocking at your door, actually banging. "Hey asshole stop being so fucking loud and who's in there with you? I know you're not alone!" "Fuck." You said as you quickly put your sweats on, not bothering to put a shirt on. As you opened the door you made sure the whoever was out there only saw you. "Ah Sorry Bakugo." "Why are you all sweaty and who's in there?" "No one else is in-" "Bullshit! Don't fucking lie to me you damn demon now tell me who's in there!" "Or what? You're gonna blast me with your quirk? Punch me maybe? Look I'm sorry for being loud but if I say no ones in my dorm then no one is in there. Got it?" Your voice went lower, more dominant. You didn't realize your quirk had activated, smoke emitting from your mouth. Bakugo has seen this before and honestly he found you more intimidating like this. "Tch fine whatever don't tell me. And you better be quiet." He then stormed off and back into his dorm. You walked back into your dorm and saw that Izuku had cleaned up his mess and fell asleep wearing your shirt. "Cute.." you took off your sweats and got back into bed, spooning Izuku and drifting off to sleep once more.

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