Chapter 13

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Skip forward to two weeks later after the night with Midoriya. After that night Bakugo hasn't spoken to you after he saw Izuku leave your room, he wasn't the only one who saw, Aizawa who was walking through the dorms saw as well and he's been giving you the cold shoulder too. Midoriya noticed all this tension and was able to put two and two together and has been slowly easing away from you. During that time period your attitude began to shift back to what it normally was, stoic, blunt, almost cold hearted. This change has also effected your classroom environment. Everyone that once tried being your friend stepped away from you, leaving you alone. You can't help but think about your old school, how this was all beginning to look...all too familiar. As the days went by your nightmares have been more violent and sickening. You have struggle sleeping now and do whatever you can to keep yourself awake, sometimes whenever you do know you're going to sleep, you try and see if you can sleep with someone else so you're not alone. Being alone was the last thing you wanted but you knew that you can't keep depending on people to help you through these nightmares. "God I'm pathetic" you said to yourself as you sat outside on your balcony, with a bottle of rum in your hand. This was your fifth bottle tonight but you still have yet to feel anything at all. You looked over at your clock. "3:10 am" it read. "I've been out here for over 5 hours already? Christ...what's wrong with me?" You still wanted to keep drinking but you already drank all that you had. You looked up to see if any bars were nearby and sure enough there was. You quickly got yourself into joggers and a hoodie, not bothering with a shirt and teleported yourself out the school gates. After googling the directions you made it to the bar, you found yourself a seat next to someone that was passed out at the bar but you couldn't see their face since their hair was blocking it. After showing the bartender your fake ID that you always kept on you, you were able to get some drinks and downed them right away. You ended up staying at the bar until closing, the alcohol was still not enough but you honestly didn't have the energy to go bar hopping. As you finished your last shot the person passed out beside you woke up. Their hair was still in their face but something about them seemed familiar. 'Is that who I think it is-' the person then turned their head slightly and looked over at you. "Oi." 'Fuck it's Aizawa! I gotta leave!' "Yeah?..." There was an awkward pause for a moment before he blinked his eyes and continued talking. "W-what time is it?" You looked at your phone, "It's 5 AM, closing time actually." Aizawa groaned and laid his head back down then he started to mumble something. 'Shit I really hope he doesn't remember any of this tomorrow.' As you slowly got up from your seat to leave, Aizawa grabbed your wrist. 'AHHH FUCK GOD SMITE ME NOW!!' "W-where are you—going?" "Anywhere but here." You answered flatly, then the bartender looked at you both annoyed. "Hey you two gotta leave now, it's closing time and I'm not afraid to kick you both out if I need to." "Don't worry it won't have to come down to that...we're just leaving." You growled lowly as you carried Aizawa over your shoulder and walked out. On your way back to UA a little old lady called you over. "You look like you can use a bath right about now." "Huh?" "Both of you actually, come in and enjoy a refreshing bath, I'm sure it'll help with that one's hangover." "Uh sorry ma'am but I don't-" Before you could decline the old lady grabbed your free hand and pulled you in a public bathhouse, and brought you to the men's room. "Ok I'll leave you to it, have a great time boys!" You sighed in defeat and sat Aizawa down. "Well, no backing out now I guess.." As you stripped out of your clothes you felt eyes on you, you turned your head and made awkward eye contact with a drunk Aizawa. 'Why am I freaking out right now?! I literally fucked the guy already, he's seen my meat before but why can't I calm down?!' You turned back around and continued taking your clothes off. 'I has been over two weeks since we last actually spoke. Even in class it wasn't much, just him teaching and answering questions but..I upsetted him..just like I do everyone else.' Afterwards you covered your bottom with a towel and turned back around to look at Aizawa, he was struggling with taking his shirt off. "Need help?" He stopped what he was doing and just nodded his head. You kneeled down and took his shirt off for him, when doing so he stared at you with glazed eyes. 'He's still drunk.' You decided to just help him get nude and into a towel since he can barely take his shirt off. Once that was done you made your way to the stools with Aizawa kinda stumbling besides you and sat down next to each other. Once you sat down you began washing yourself then looked over at Aizawa who was having trouble with the shower hose. 'God damnit Shota why do you gotta be such a lightweight?' After you finished showering you sat behind Aizawa and began washing his hair. He leaned back into your chest and just let you do whatever, he was too hungover to really give a damn and actually quite enjoyed having you wash his hair. "Shota I can't properly clean you if you keep leaning on me like this, can you move?" "Hng-ok." He lifted himself off you but barely. You sighed and grabbed him by his waist to move him forward, this really brought his attention back to life for a moment as he moaned softly with your touch. "Mm-what're you doing?.." "I'm going to rinse your body obviously." You then began washing his body, your hands massaging in the soap. "Ahh~" Aizawa threw his head back when one of your hands starting massaging his pec, another hand went towards his thighs. He moaned a little louder this time which made you kinda panic. "Keep it down Shota, I don't want them thinking I'm taking advantage of you in here!" 'I really don't wanna deal with that shit right now..' Aizawa then covered his mouth as you continued on cleaning him, after that was done you shot up and quickly made your way to the bath. As you took your towel off and made your way in the bath, you can hear Aizawa slowly walking over and get in as well. It was silent for awhile and honestly you were glad, you can finally relax. 'It's only been a couple hours and I've had more anxiety than a small chihuahua.' You sunk yourself deeper into the bath and rested your head on the edge of it, now you were able to really relax. You closed your eyes and just let the bath take care of the rest. After what felt like 15 minutes you heard movement in the water. 'I swear if he comes over here..' You felt a head rest on your shoulder and a hand on your upper thigh, your eyes popped open as you looked over to see Aizawa try and cuddle with you. "What're you doing? Move over." You tried pushing him off but he wouldn't budge, then you tried moving away from him but he let out an annoyed groan and sat on your lap, your dicks almost touching. "Shota quit it you're drunk!" "I know what I'm doing (Y/N)." '..huh? Did I miss something? He was literally drunk not too long ago unless—!' "So, you faked being drunk?" "Yes." "Why? I thought you wanted to stop any kind of interaction with me outside of class." Aizawa blushed lightly and and looked away from you. "I..I missed you..and I realized I let my emotions get the best of me..I was feeling selfish thinking only I can have you but, when I saw Midoriya leave your dorm and Bakugo's reaction I finally realized I was wrong..the small amount of time together made me feel things I haven't felt in awhile and I didn't want to share that just yet.." You felt a lump in your throat as you tried to say something but couldn't find the words just yet. "But..during that time I wasn't with you I had time to think things through and I've finally accepted the fact that we can't be least not officially. Your quirk basically requires you to sleep around with other people but that flew over my head on that day." You closed your eyes as you remembered as well and sighed, your quirk feeds off of sin and lies, and the relationship you have with theses people are only helping with just that. You felt bad, really bad, you realized you ended up playing with their emotions, but it's something that can't be helped even if you tried. "I'm sorry Shota, I shouldn't have messed around with you I-" you were cut off by him moving closer and kissing you. "Shut up I don't care anymore." He said as he pulled away from you a bit. You then grabbed him by the ass and pulled him closer to you, kissing him on the lips then down to his neck. Aizawa wrapped his arms around your neck and threw his head back as you began leaving bite marks on his neck. He then started thrusting his dick against yours, moaning as his movements got rougher. As things began to get more and more heated you heard someone else walk in and was making there way to the showers, you and Aizawa stopped what you were doing and sat besides each other awkwardly. You then remembered about the old lady and quickly got out of the bath with Aizawa right behind you. You both hurriedly changed into yukatas and made your way to the old lady who was walking down the hallway. "Excuse us ma'am but is there a room we can rest at?" "Oh yes of course! Come with me!" Once you both go to the room she left and you and Aizawa let out a big sigh. You decided to lay down on one of the futons that was laid out, trying to just catch your breath after everything that happened. 'That was a close call, I'm not ready to get kicked out just yet.' Just as you were about to get up Aizawa sat down on your hips. "Don't think you can get away just yet (Y/N) we're not done." You laughed lightly at this and held him by his hips. "Who said I was getting away?" You then sat up, Aizawa now in your lap and slide his yukata off of him. You did the same to yourself, Aizawa was quickly getting inpatient and pushed you down to lay on your back, he then slammed himself down on your dick and moaned loudly with drool running down the side of his chin. "Fuck Shota.." You moaned lowly as he rode your dick, you then held down his hips and thrusted into him faster and harder. As this went on Aizawa came with a loud moan but you weren't finished just yet, you laid him down on his chest while you held his hips up and thrusted back into him. Aizawa cried out with ecstasy and held onto the futon under him. Your movement became more rougher in this position, hitting Aizawa's prostate with each thrust. He was seeing stars now and his voice was getting weaker as he moaned, with one more thrust you came in him and pulled out. You laid down next to Aizawa who was passed out next to you, with a wave of of your hand you cast a spell to clean the both of you up. After that you quietly got dressed back into the yukata and went to a vending machine not far from your room and got two canned coffees. As you got closer to the room your walking slowed and you stopped right in front of the door. You then rested your forehead on the door and sighed heavily. Ever since you came to Japan your quirk has been getting fed more and more, at this point you're sure if you don't release some of it you're going to get hurt, majorly. 'For a place with a lot of villains, I haven't run into any, I know that's a good thing but for me I feel like I have blue balls and I really need to release, this shit is literally eating at me like what the fuck when are we getting our internships?!' You closed your eyes and opened your mouth slightly, letting some smoke out before entering the room and putting the coffees on the table. Aizawa was still asleep so you went over and sat besides him and brushed some hair out of his face, this woke him up a bit. "Morning Snow White, how was the short nap?" He turned his head and groaned saying something about how he's going to be in pain for awhile and that it's your fault, oh well. "I got you coffee if you want it now." You walked back over to the table and grabbed yours, Aizawa sat up slowly and looked up at you. "Can you bring it over to me?" "You can't walk?" He glared at you. "Haha, oh right." You teleported the coffee onto his lap, which he thanked you for and drank right away. 'I hope the other's will be able to forgive me as well but who knows..'

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