Chapter Four

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It had been a couple of hours and I layed there awake. Not being able to sleep, I was exhausted but I just layed there thinking about anything and everything. Kayla was sound asleep beside me. I sighed and got up out of bed, walking into the living room. I picked my bag up and walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the pantry, opening the door and putting food into the bag. Beside my better judgement I walked over to the fridge and opened it.

The smell wasnt too bad, but it was still awful. I found about three bottles of water and placed them on the counter, also a gallon of water and placed it beside the others. I quickly closed the fridge and pulled the rest of the cans out of the pantry and placed them on the counter.

I counted 30 cans other than what I had already put in my bag, which was about fifteen. I pushed four cans to the side to eat later in the day whenever Kayla was awake and ready. And I put three more cans in my bag along with a bottle of water, and filled the empty bottle I had in my bag and zipped it up putting it on the floor.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall into the living room stopping at the door way, and saw Kayla standing there. "What are you doing awake? I woke up to you leaving thinking you were going to come back soon." She still looked exhausted, and I dont blame her. Since weve met that was the first few hours she's slept. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured I would count everything and get everything ready to leave tomorrow so we could get a move on. Ive heard more walkers within the last few hours. Soon its not going to be safe to stay here. And I want us go be ready when we need to go." She nodded coming closer, sitting on the counter by everything. She sighed and looked down to the floor.

"So.. About last night." My gaze never left her face, I could tell she was deep in thought about something. Maybe it was too good to be true, maybe this wasn't how it was supposed to be. I leaned back against the opposite counter. Crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah? What about it?" She never lifted her eyes from the floor.

"I think it was a mistake. We were both tired, more than willing for anything. I mean we hardly know each other just yet and we just jumped in. Not really caring about what were to happen next." I didnt say anything. Because she was right. Who knows if there's anybody else in the world. And we were ready to let our selves go and give whatever we had to the other person.

"I dont mean it as-" "no I get it. Its fine. It wasn't really what you wanted. Even though I asked you and tried to make sure." Her head snapped up, and her eyes met mine. I guess what I said came out ruder than I meant it too. I walked away walking into the bedroom to grab the bat against the wall. I walked back into the kitchen, she was still sitting on the counter. "I didnt mean to say it was a mistake. It was just to fast, it may be the end of the world but.. We shouldn't be that willing to give ourselves up to someone we dont really trust." I looked at her in disbelief, not trusting each other? Now I didnt trust her to save my life no, but I trusted her enough to think that if in trouble she would have my back and try and help me.

"Im going to see how many are out there, see if there are going to be too many for whenever we have to leave." I started walking towards the back door, ready to make my way outside. I felt an arm on mine. "Wait! Don't go out by yourself. What if something happens?!" I couldnt help myself, I let out a laugh. "What? Don't trust me to come back?" I snapped. Her arm fell and she looked like she was about to cry. I shook my head and walked outside ready for whatever was to come next.

After a few hours I went back to the house, killing zombies gets tiring after a while. I walked up to the back door seeing it wide open. Carefully I stepped into the house, hearing some kind of struggle going on in one of the rooms. I rushed in to find walkers pushing for the bathroom door to break. And on one side of the room, a blonde kid was trying to fight two off of him. I rushed to help him, knocking one in the head, the other turned ready to bite but got a mouthful of the bat instead.

Instantly the other two turned to try and get a taste of me and the blonde hair boy ran over and pushed one against the door, stabbing it in the head. I pushed my boot into the stomach, pushing it off so I could get a clear swing and end its misery. I swung and released the bat as the walker fell, and grabbed my knife tearing the zombie away from the kid before he stabbed it through the eye socket. He stood there gasping for breath before backing up a few steps. I still hadnt put the knife down from a defensive postion just in case. "Open the bathroom door.." Slowly he walked over to it, not really questioning anything because he heard the noises from there too. I nodded for the door to open, it opened fast and i took a couple steps forward. "Kayla?" I took a few steps into the bathroom and still just heard little noises. I stepped closer and pulled back the shower curtain.  I found a body laying over kaylas, a zombie. "Eveything okay in tbere?" I heard a thick irish accent behind me, startling me a little because i forgot he was there.

"Im not sure can i get your help..?" "Niall, m'names Niall." I gave him a small smile, "Logan, nice to meet you. But can you help me move this body?" He just nodded as we lifted the lifelss body and put it on the floor. I looked back at the bathtub to see her lying there, Niall grabbed her feet as i lifted her upper body and we put her on the bed. "Why dont you check her for bites and ill make sure there arent anymore creepies anywhere in here." I nodded as i checked but i never found anything. Just blood and a cut on the back of her head. I grabbed a rag out of the bathroom, and a cup of water and a towel. I cleaned up around the wound before putting everything on the floor and sat back on the bed.

Niall walked back in and stood at the side of the room. "So not that im not grateful for the help but what made you come in here?" His ice blue eyes met mine, he looked exhausted like he hadnt slept for days. His once died hair was mostly brown at the bottom and blonde at the top. "Well i heard screaming from outside while i was walking by, the door was wide open and then you came in. And now were here." I nodded and noticed that the cut was still bleeding so i grabbed the other towel and placed it under her head. "Looks like it may need stitches, ive got a sewing kit in my bag." He walked off to go and grab it, i just couldnt digure out how the door was wide open and if there was a walker, how was she not bit when it was on top of her. Unless she killed it and then fell, but how did the bathroom door get closed? Niall walked back in and handed me everything, i threaded a needle and prayed that she would stay asleep and that this would work. "Can you help me try and move some of her hair out of the way? And then we'll try out best to clean this up really good." He nodded, "probably move her to the couch so you can keep a better eye on her." Once we finished we moved her and sat on the recliners across the room, i grabbed a can of corn and Niall grabbed a can of something from his bag. "So is it just the two of you out here by yourselves?" I couldnt tell if he was just curious or not, but i didnt see a point in lying to the guy. "Up until a day or so ago yes, before that i was by myself but im not so sure about her." I gestured over to kayla who layed unmoving, and who i wasnt sure was going to wake up. "What about you? Just yourself, or do you have people?" He thought about it, probably the same reasons why i did.

"I was with a group, we got seperated, and ive been alone for a couple days now. Ive been looking for them but im not sure if most of them got out. We got seperated a few miles back and ive been looking everywhere around here since." I nodded as we fell into a silence.

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