Chapter 2

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While i was waiting for Maddie I called my mother as i had promised I would. I know that without me she'll be alone and I don't want her to feel bad. Come on, pick up. "Hi sweetie, how's everything? Are you okay?" I left a few hours ago and she is already worried.
"I just wanted to let you know that i am settled and ready for my classes. How was work?"
"I am so happy to hear that. I just got back and i am really tired"
"You should rest, we'll talk soon. I have to go. Goodnight" since i was a child my mother used to work from early in the morning till late in the evening. It's exhausting.
"You're right. Goodnight honey, I love you"
"Love you too" the moment i ended the call I heard a knock on my door. It was Maddie, she was alone. The others were waiting for us in front of the school. I am kinda nervous but I'm also curious to meet Maddie's friends. She seems like a cool person.
"Are you ready to go?" I nodded and closed the door behind me. "We should hurry, they're always on time and I'm always late"
"They say beauty takes time" i laughed and she winked at me.
"I don't think they will agree with you, but i do" for the next few minutes we didn't say much. It wasn't awkward or anything, we were just lost in our worlds.
"Hey Mads" a girl with short pink hair hugged her and looked at me. "My name's Becky, you are Riley, right?" i smiled and before i could actually answer she hugged me.
"Nice to meet you"
"Likewise" then a tall, dark haired boy appeared in front of me. His hair was messy, and he had brown eyes. He didn't talk to me, he whispered something to one of the other boys and then left. That was rude.
"Hi, I am Kendall and this is Jake" are they twins or something? They are awfully similar. The both had blue eyes and short blonde hair.
"Riley" i shook hands with both of them and then the other boy came back. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt.
"Sorry about that, I'm ready to go now" Becky gave him an angry look and he turned to me. I'm surprised that he noticed me. "I'm Aiden Star" he reached out for my hand and he shook it. I felt the electricity all over my body. I think he felt it too because he starred at me without saying a word. He was undeniably handsome. I've never seen anyone like him.
"Riley Arwood" my voice came out as a wishper. Noone else noticed what happened and i was really thankful for that.
"Peter left early, he'll come back in two weeks, at least that's what he told me" he said joining the others. That was unexpected. I think in a good way, i'll just have to wait and see.
"He'll miss the concert?" Jake was shocked. I couldn't even understand what they were talking about.
"No Jake, the concert is in three weeks" Kendall answered.
"Don't remind me, i am so nervous. Something's wrong with me" Aiden looked upset. I guess he has to perform and he is stressed about it. I thought it wasn't right to ask, so I didn't say anything.
"Maddie" she looked at me and came closer so that she could hear me. "Who is Peter?" I guess I'm not going to meet him anytime soon.
"My boy-... Ex boyfriend" this is not good. They have the same friends, they all hang out together. After what happened today I don't think she can handle this situation.
"Oh... I am sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up. I didn't know" she smiled and nodded.
"It's okay, don't worry" everyone else was having fun. I enjoyed their company, they didn't make me feel left out.
"So Ry, what are your hobbies?" Becky is such a sweet girl. She really stands out.
"I love writing stories and lyrics. I would love to be a writer in the future" i couldn't stop smiling. Whenever i talk about writing something changes.
"Interesting, have you written anything yet? I mean something you'd like to publish?" it was Kendall who talked. They were all looking at me, even Aiden was listening to what i was saying.
"Actually yes, i started writing a book last year but i wasn't able to finish it. I lack inspiration" i giggled. It's true, i need new ideas.
"You have us, we'll be your inspiration" Jake seemed excited as well.
"I'm sure about that" i laughed.
"I know how you feel, i get so angry when i can't finish a song or when i need to write something but i can't find the right words" I knew Aiden and i had a connection. The way he talks is just fascinating.
"Yeah right, I don't believe you. You always come up with something new. That's why everyone loves you" Maddie shook her head and put her hand on his arm.
"Not everyone, you're exaggerating. It's not like I'm a star or something" he answered.
"You're a local celebrity, they know you here and they are obsessed with your music" really? Now I'm curious.
"You're performing tonight?" Good question Becky. I wanted to ask the same thing.
"Yes. The owner insisted on me playing a couple of my songs" I can't wait to hear him. I'm always up for new music. "I guess I'm next" the girl who was singing stopped and she left the microphone on the stand.
  "Good luck" i don't know why i said that but i am glad i did.
  "I don't need it but thank you" he was right in front of me and he looked at me softly. I know i just met him but he has my full attention. He stood on the stage, in front of everyone. There were at least 60 people inside the café but he seemed calm. He's confident.
  "He's so talented, probably one of the best musicians of his age. We don't want him to be full of himself so we haven't told him that" Becky laughed and so did the others.
  "That talented? I expect a lot from him if you're right" they gave me a reassuring look and then we looked at him. The lights went out and the stage was the only thing I could see.
  "I'm Aiden Star, and I'm going to play some of my original songs" he had me at 'original songs'.

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