A guy with red hair

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A red haired boy by the name, Akabane Karma, casually walked in the classroom.

"Karma, late as usual I see"

A delinquent in Class 3-E.

"You dont have to tell me that teach"

A guy with dark hair narrowed his dark eyes at him before sighing.

"Im not even gonna bother."

The red head snickered

"Right call"

Although Karma calls himself ruthless ironically enough he was sent to Class E for saving someone. Granted he used violence to do so, but it doesnt shrug off the fact that he did so for someone other than himself.

School, for Karma, was boring as usual. It confuses him how the others still couldn't understand after the third or fourth time the teacher repeated the lesson. Not suprising though since they are in the End Class.

Not only that it was Koro-sensei's lesson.

He was a teacher-in-training and seems quite passionate about his job. A little too passionate. Although teachers-in-training arent supposed to be the advisors of a class, Koro-sensei took it upon himself to do so. Probably because their actual advisor has been absent ever since the first assembly.

But enough about school. The best part about Karma's day was when he got home. Its not because he could be as lazy as he wants with no worries whatsoever. And money's not a problem since he's an Akabane. But its because of a certain bluenette always waiting for him at the doorstep.

"Welcome home Karma!"

Was the first thing Karma heard the moment he opened the door to his apartment.

Karma instantly tackled the bluenette to the floor smiling widely.

... this is heaven..

"Im home Nagisa"

After quick greetings Nagisa got up with the help of Karma before skipping towards the kitchen.

"Well the bath and dinner's ready which one would you like first?"

Karma contemplated before walking towards Nagisa who was stirring the curry he was cooking in a pot.

Karma wrapped his arms around his waist, smelling his hair.

"A bath sounds nice but I wouldnt want Nagi to wait that long. You know how long I take in the bath."

Nagisa giggled a bit before turning to face Karma and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"You know that I take way longer in there than you"

Karma laughed a bit at the bluenette's response

"True, but I dont mind. You smell wonderful either way."

"A bit weird but thank you"

Nagisa said as he managed to make Karma let go of him before returning to the curry in the pot.

"Well... if you want dinner first would you mind preparing the table?"

Karma smirked before walking towards the cabinets filled with eating utensils.

"Not at all. I'll take care of the rice."

"Thank you"

The two ate quietly. Luckily for them Nagisa was good at cooking so they wont worry about Karma blowing up the kitchen, again.

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