Sleeping beauty

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As Karma walked in his apartment, he sighed heavily before closing the door.

It took all his willpower to not have just killed that blonde fuck when they bumped into each other.

But then again it felt good seeing that sad and broken look on his face when he saw the necklace.

Karma looked down and stared softly at the jewelry hanging around his neck. He smiled sweetly.

"Karma, welcome back"

Karma's smile widens as he looked at the bluenette infront of him.

Nagisa looked at him and smiled back before running up to him and giving him a hug.

Nothing can beat the times the red devil gets to be with his blue angel.

While Karma was still in thought, Nagisa stared at the necklace around Karma's neck.

"You usually wear the necklace under your shirt. Did something happen?"

Nagisa said as he kept on fiddling with the little snakes on the necklace with a smile.

Nagisa has noted that whenever the red head did something he didnt normally do, no matter how small, something had happened.

Whether it be good or bad was the question.

Karma smirked, his blueberry seemed to like keeping track of things around him.

"Nothing important sweetie"

The red head said as he lifted Nagisa up and took him to the living room.

Nagisa playfully started pouting, Karma was showing off his strength again. But he still laughed in the end and let Karma place him down on the sofa.

He watched as the red head sat down beside him and the two instantly cuddled up to each other as if they were magnets.

Nagisa looked at the necklace again but this time with a forlorn look.

He doesnt know why, but seeing that certain dent on the necklace gives him a sad feeling.

"I said leave, Shiota!"

Nagisa visibly flinched at the sudden voice in his head.

Karma noticed and was already comforting him.

"Its alright Nagisa. Everything's ok now"

He said while rubbing soothing circles on the bluenette's back.

He learned a bit about how to handle Nagisa's anxiety attacks  from observing him.

He also learned that Nagisa didnt want it too noisy and that he loved the necklace but didnt seem to like that certain dent on it.

Karma wrapped his arms around him and rocked back and forth.

He hummed a little lullaby making Nagisa take a small nap on the red head's shoulder.

Karma smiled as he took in Nagisa's features.

Karma lifted the bluenette up and carried him bridal style to their bedroom.

He gently placed the sleeping bluenette on their bed and tucked him in.

He smiled as he caressed the other's cheek.

"I sometimes have nightmares about someone."

He heard Nagisa's voice in his head

"Apparently he was someone dear to me, but he left me to die."

The hurt in Nagisa's voice was crystal clear, it made Karma's heart ache.

He held Nagisa's hand tightly as he sat on the side of the bed.

Karma knows that Nagisa doesnt understand what their relationship really is.

They never really talked about it either.

But one thing's for sure, Karma loves him. And he's sure Nagisa feels the same.

He knows it's bad to lie to him though.... about the medicine.

But who could blame him?

Karma's eyes held insanity. The desire to possess his loved one took over his mind as he smirked darkly at the floor.

But as he looked back up at the sleeping beauty infront of him, his eyes softened and his smirk turned into a genuine smile.

"The things you do to me"

Karma chuckled and shook his head.

He slowly went under the covers and wrapped his arms around the bluenette. Careful not to wake him up.

Karma looked at Nagisa and wondered about his past.
What forced him to leave his house at midnight.
Who are his parents.
And who Asano Gakushuu was to him.

It was fine if Nagisa never really knew about his past but the red head was determined to know everything about Nagisa, by himself.

He was his beloved after all.

As Nagisa snuggled up to the red head's chest Karma lets out a sinister grin from ear to ear.

And he would do whatever it takes for his beloved.

The bloody knife hidden in his drawer sat patiently.

Whatever it takes

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