You WHAT now?!

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Barry was having a hell of a time fighting Savitar. He was always one step ahead. He knew everything as if he were there. 'No!' He thought. 'It can't be. Can it?' He recalled Savitars words.

'I am the Future Flash!'

' was if he was actually there.'


Savitar was there. He's always been there. Because he was part of it. He helped take him down, meaning... he is the Future Flash. He is Barry Allen.

'Oh I'm so screwed.'

Later that day he told Team Flash that Barry is Savitar.

"How are you Savitar Barry? Why would you want to kill Iris?" Joe asked, confused by the entire situation and how Barry would want to kill the love of his life.

"When I time traveled to 2024 my future self told me that I would create time remnants- other versions of myself- but Savitar would slaughter them all. All except one." Barry explained.

"Himself." Harry and Cisco said at the same time.

"Yeah. So I can't know what you guys are planning or he will know. Just formulate a plan and then tell me what to do. Don't give me any details of it okay?"

"We got you Allen. You too West." Harry said as he and Cisco went to their 'shared' workshop.

Barry left S.T.A.R. Labs to get away from all the planning.


Barry knew nothing. Which meant that Savitar knew nothing. He went to an abandoned road near the woods. He came skidding to a halt. He pulled his cowl off and screamed, "I'M HERE!!" He waited a few seconds before screaming again, "I'M HERE!!" Then out came the familiar white lightning. He just looked at Savitar in disgust. They stared at each other before Barry said, "I know who you are."

"It's about time." Savitar replied in his distorted voice.

"Everything about you is about time, isn't it?"

"The present. The future. You know all of it. Right?"

"And you know everything about me. Joe. About Wally. And Iris!"

"You know our strengths. You know our fears. You know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us."

"All this time we thought we couldn't stop you because you were always one step ahead of us. But that's not it."

"You know what's going to happen to us. You were there. You lived it."

"You remember. When you were me." He concluded.

At S.T.A.R. Labs they're we're watching from Barry's chest camera. They were going to send in there secret weapon when they had gotten their confirmation.

"Are you sure you can be here?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah. I'd do anything for you guys. Plus I owe Barry a lot for helping when he got stuck on my earth." Kara Danvers AKA Supergirl AKA their secret weapon to defeating Savitar.

Barry was staring at Savitar with the same level of disgust from before. He slightly flinched when Savitar got down in his hands and knees and his suit began to open. Each ripple in the suits spine came loose. One by one it automatically went upwards revealing a dark green coat. Once it reach the bottom and he lifted his head Barry could only look at him in a mix of shock and anger. Savitar stepped out of his suit as it began to close. Savitar stared coldly at Barry. He said with a smirk forming on his half burned face, "Like I told you from the beginning. I am the Future Flash." Thus fully revealing the cold features and voice of none other than one Barry Allen.

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