Chapter 1 : A bright life

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Once upon a time, in a cute little town, lived a happy family, the Darksoul one. It was composed of the older brother named Christian, two siblings, Noah and Loulou ( both girls ) and the younger sister Nalyn.

Of course the children were raised by their parents. They were really nice and a bit protective and let the kids learn anything they wanted and play video games sometimes. But it's not like they really liked playing anyways.

(Loulou is the one who wears a red shirt with black stripes, Nalyn has a little bag and a cross on her shirt ( oh damn I just realised people could think I copied X-Tale... that's not the case I just had no idea what to draw... sorry ) and Noah loves black.)

Christian was really kind and never annoyed his sisters. He was 21 and taught them themost he could so they could choose any job when the grew up. He had half a green soul ( kindness ) and half a dark one ( darkness, I created that trait, I will explain later ).

Nalyn was a really 12-year-old girl and was really curious. She loved sewing ( she did her brother's sweater "Best Bro Ever" ) and making origami. She had a white soul, with no particular trait.

The siblings were both 15 and had very different interests. Loulou loved training her fight techniques and play adventure games while Noah prefered reading, drawing and writing. They were always toguether in their childhood and the people always mistook Noah for Loulou and Loulou for Noah. Loulou had a determined soul ( red ). Noah had a compeletly dark one, the soul of Darkness.

So. This new trait was only posessed by this family. It was kind of the trait which enables their "super hero" shape, with magic and powers. 

They all lived peacefully until Noah discovered something. Their parents acted weird all of sudden. They talked about sadism, whispered strange things to each other and became scary. She talked about this to Loulou and they investigated. Here's what they found : their parents were part of a secret organisation whose goal was to conquer the world so they can rule it. They found it "too boring" for them and the siblings believed they would rule it in a bad way, killing and hurting people for their own amusement.

No one exept the girls and Christian knew about it. They just needed enough proofs to call the police. But before they could acheive their "mission" the older brother died. 

The three children left were broken. Nalyn didn't know about it, she tought he died of sickness. How naive...

Noah's soul started cracking a lot. The siblings loved their brother so much... And they knew their parents killed him themselves, without any regret, like they never loved him. That made them crazy. The sisters then decided to murder them, to avenge Christian and to protect Nalyn and themselves from the evilness of their parents. They could perfectly kill them too.


One night, the younger one was peacefully falling alseep, thinking of what she did that day, what her friends told her, what she learned at school... When she suddenly heard screams coming from her parents' room.

She went in fear to see what was going on. What she found was terrible.

The siblings looking at her, covered in blood and smiling creepily. But they didn't seem hurt, whose blood was it ? She looked down and was horrified. 

Two dead bodies, with scars all over them and blood everywhere. She noticed a knife laying not far. The little girl couldn't stand the truth. No. Her sisters couldn't have killed her parents. Everything went really fast. She was crying and shouting at them that they were monsters, heartless demons and that they murdered them with no reason, and that first she lost her bro, and now her parents for nothing ! If only she knew...

She ran away from the house, triping on rocks and little hills in the dark, still crying. She  then found a mountain, the mount Ebbot. She climbed it up, having nothing left to do. While climbing, her soul changed. The pain of having lost her brother was already a lot for a such young girl. Losing her parents, and discovering that they were murdered by her own sisters, the only ones she had left and was cherishing, was too much. Blood started dripping from her mouth, more and more and without stopping, it then covered all her face, all her body and filling her with pain, despair and anger. There was too much pressure on that girl's shoulders, she couldn't resist the desire of blood coming to her. She lost lots, lots of blood, almost dying from all the wounds and the lack of it. Her white soul had only a little bit of blood left, that was not normal. She needed to see some, feel some and knowing that people were hurt. It was a question of life or death. Her soul started bleeding endlessly, becoming the soul of Pain. 

Here, was now what Nalyn's new soul looked like

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Here, was now what Nalyn's new soul looked like.

She then, started harming herself, in a desperate blood thirst. Seeing the hole every human that falls in the underground knows, she decided it was the time to die. Closing her eyes and chucling creepily, she thought back about her past. But all the thoughts were confusing themselves with each other, making her go crazy. Without looking back, she jumped to her destiny...

But she didn't notice she was being watched. Loulou and Noah were there, looking in shock and fear at what they had done to their young sister. Loulou was unconsolable. (does that word even exist ?) She decided to go to the underground to check on Nalyn. Noah couldn't believe it. For her, it was the end of their sister. Did she want to finidh like her ? For the first time in their life, the both of them got an argument. They seperated, sad and angry.

Loulou jumped to her death in that hole.

Noah stayed on the mountain, crying and telling herself she was worthless (as worthless as this story, I wonder why I keep trying... :( ) that she wasn't strong enough to convince her sibling not to jump...

She had not been strong enough to save her.


Some humans found her, still on that mountain, dying from thirst and hunger and pain. They took her to an orphanage, the hugiest mistake ever. She was really shaken after all those events, really shy and always hidding under a cloak, in the dark, so no one ever saw her face. The other kids didn't understand it, they thought she was planning bad things to do to them. They called her a deamon, bullied her, even hit her saying that demons weren't allowed to live. Some of them even took knives to threat and hurt her. It became an habit. Noah wasn't surprised losing some blood daily. She slowly became a masochist, always repeating to herself that she deserved it after all she's done. Everyone was on her back, ready to fight if she tried to defend. But she never did, never told anyone, because she believed she was the only one to deserve to carry all this pressure on her mind. Her soul kept cracking more and more every day.

Some time passed...

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