I was the only girl in a boisterous family of boys. My brothers were my solace; we did everything together. I knew how to tease. To climb. To wrestle. But I knew not to cross my father's chessboard eyes-- constantly capturing me between their glow and shadow.
Flash Fiction and Short-Shorts
RandomAll stories here are 1000 words or less. Though small, they are big in meaning. There are also writing prompts for the dreaded block. The last essay-- I don't exactly agree with anymore, but my writing was on fire. I was going through some things! ...
Electra (Recycled Lines)
I was the only girl in a boisterous family of boys. My brothers were my solace; we did everything together. I knew how to tease. To climb. To wrestle. But I knew not to cross my father's chessboard eyes-- constantly capturing me between their glow and shadow.