Don't Leave Me.

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~Brad's POV~

I couldn't believe it. Actually, yes I could. This would be an amazing opportunity for Liv! Of course she would choose Australia over me!

I never saw us being apart. I knew that one day, someone would notice Liv's amazing talent but I never imagined her moving to the other side of the world fot it.

The world's a pretty big place, about seven billion people on it. Liv however was the only girl for me. She was the only person I needed to make me truly happy and now I was most likely going to lose her.

Its my fault, if I hadn't made her go on stage, she wouldn't have sang and that Australian woman would never have noticed her.

What have I done?

~Olivia's POV~

I had no idea where Brad had gone once he had left the building. I had lived in Birmingham for nearly a year but I still didn't compleately know my way around.

Due to that, I went to the only place I could imagine Brad being. I didn't think he had gone home as I knew he wouldn't want the attention from his family as soon as he walked in the door.

I decided to head to the barn where Brad and I had gone for my birthday after the Arctic Monkeys concert. I had the idea that even if he wasn't in there, I could use the alone time there to clear my head and properly think all of this over.

I was defineately going to Australia however I wanted to think about Brad and I. Would it still work out?

As I approached the barn, all of the memories came flooding back and I instantly felt really guilty.

I walked into the barn quietly, just in case, but I couldn't see him.

"Brad?" I called, my voice echoing through the wooden structure.

Just as I was about to give up and walk out, I heard gentle sobbing coming from behing a pile of hay. I wondered around to find Brad curled up in a ball crying his eyes out.

I instantly fell beside him and pulled him into me. He then stayed there and sobbed on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, my voice cracking a little.

Brad stayed silent and still for a while, probably in attempt to pull himself together so that he could speak.

"Don't leave me." He whimpered. I had never seen Brad like this before and it honestly killed me to know that it was my fault.

"I don't want to Brad, I really don't but I want this more than anything." I told him, refering to Australia.

Brad then sat up and laughed to himself. I gave him a puzzled look before he began to explain himself.

"What are you doing Liv?! You don't want to leave me but you're going to anyway! Seriously Liv, what are you trying to do to me?!" He snapped.

I was taken back by his comment, I thought he would be supportive of me; sad but supportive.

"Brad, I-" I stuttered, being unable to form an answer.

"Save it Liv, I obvioulsy don't mean that much to you anyway." He said angrily before standing up.

"Brad please let me explain." I begged, grabbing his arm in attempt to pull him back down.

Brad hesitated for a moment before shaking my arm away and leaving the barn.

I stayed sat down, I didn't want to follow Brad and end up in an even better argument. We had never really argued all that much, the occasional biccer but nothing extreme, not like this.

I sat alone in the barn by myself for a good hour. By now, it was starting to get dark and I was concerned about walking back to my place alone.

I checked the time on my phone, it was quite late but I had no idea what time i'd actually left my apartment to go and find Brad.

I also noticed that I had a text from Lizzie as well as 3 missed calls from her too.

New Message from: Lizzieee

Hey! where are you? are you ok? did you find Brad? we're all so worried. x

I decided not to reply to Lizzie as I still had no idea when I was going to go home.

I slid my phone in my pocket and stood up but as I did, Brad slowly walked back in to the barn.

"I'm sorry." He said sadly, once he had reached me. 

I smiled weakly at Brad and ushered him to sit down with me.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend. I should be proud and supportive but instead i'm being selfish and mean. I'm sorry Liv, I just don't want you to leave me." He admitted, his eyes glossy.

Hearing how he felt caused a lump to form in my throat and before I knew it, we were both crying in eachothers arms.

"We're such a mess." I sniffled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Brad, you're not a terrible boyfriend and you are not being selfish. I would be the same if you were leaving to go somewhere really far way. The fact that you care so much in my eyes makes you an amazing boyfriend, actually." I told him before kissing his cheek.

Brad nodded and forced a smile but I knew he didn't want to.

"I know, it's just, i've been left plenty of times before, never good enough or never worth keeping. I just wanted it to be different this time." Brad explained, making me frown.

"Bradley Will Simpson." I began.

"You, are perfect. Never in a million years did I ever think someone like you could love someone like me. If anything, i'm not good enough." I ranted, causing Brad to blush slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Brad mumbled before leaning in for a passionate kiss.

"I'll miss you too. Promise me we'll be ok?" I asked Brad, sticking out my little finger which he gladly linked together with his.

"I promise."


A/N: yooooooo! aww Brad is so cute n sad. Liv you biatch lol.

22-O-O days;)

omgggggg zoella beauty is launched todayyyy! i want everything but sadly i have to wait till christmas, i'm still gonna go and see it all in the shops though!

okkk, i'm gonna go have dinner now.

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