The Day After The Night Before

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I woke up the following morning at around 8am. I looked around to see that the boys were still asleep. Brad and I had decided to, like the other boys, stay round Tristan's house after the bonfire instead of travelling a long way home really late at night. We set up camp in the living room, using loads of blankets, duvets and sleeping bags.

I sat up and checked my phone, I had a new twitter notification from Brad, nine hours ago.

"@thevampsbrad: amazing bonfire last night with the boys and my new fave girl :)"

Attached to the tweet was the group selfie that we decided to take, just before Brad and I nearly kissed. I saved the photo onto my phone and set it as my lockscreen. It was cute that Brad had called me his 'fave girl' although I doubt his female followers would be that impressed. I didnt dare look at any of the replies, some people can be pretty mean online.

Instead, I decided to go and have a shower before the boys woke up. Tristan had already shown me where his bathroom was and how to work the shower so I took full advantage of it.

I spent around 10 minutes in the shower, getting clean and singing random songs to myself. At one point, I almost forgot where I was and sang maybe a little too loud...

I stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed but makeup-less to come face to face with Brad.

"were you stood out here the whole time?" I asked, a bit confused as to why he was just stood there.

"umm, yeah. sorry I just walking past and I heard you singing, you are seriously really good!" he replied,  a bit nervously at first.

I chuckled at Brad as we went into the spare room to finish getting ready. We were both dressed and I only needed to put on mascara which was all I had with me however Brad decided to come with me anyway.

"Liv seriously, you are an amazing singer. Have you ever considered posting a cover on youtube or something?" he asked me as he sat down on the edge of the bed that was neatly made in the room.

I looked over at him, a bit hesitenty.

"umm, I dunno Brad, i'm not that great!" I admitted as I sat down next to him. He looked over at me with a look of contentmet on his face and a little glimmer in his eyes that I could only just notice. That boy's sure something. Brad smiled at me before leaning in, just how he had done before. I smiled back and also leaned in, praying that we would'nt be interuppted that time. Just as our lips brushed eachothers, I heard the the irritating buzz of my phone from behind me.

"Jesus Christ." I cursed under my breath as we both pulled away. Brad had a look of dissopointment on his face which i'm pretty sure I also mirrored.

I looked at my phone to see a message from my mum.

"Brad, my mum wants me home as soon as possible so I can help her decorate the kitchen." I told him, clearly sounding quite annoyed. Brad nodded and before we knew it, we were saying goodbye to the boys and heading back to Birmingham.

A/N: hey guys! I'm dedicating this chapter to my sunshine and main character in this story Mr Bradley Will Simpson, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNSHINEEEEE!!!!

this is gonna be a double update to celebrate Brad being 19 and also its going up earlier as i'm going out for my friend's birthday...happy birthday Saskia!

Bye guys! - Becca x

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