chapter 2

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Authors Note:thanks guys!I can't wait to hear your feedback so if you could leave some in the comments that would be awesome :)

*One week later*

I kissed my mum goodbye, and hugged her while I heard her softly crying. I knew it was hard on her to leave me here for 2 years while her, dad and Noah were living in the states. Next, I hugged dad and he gave me a big hug and I told him I expected for him to call me when they land. He laughed and nodded his head and then I moved on to Noah. I bent down so i was at his height and he gave me his famous bear hug. I hugged him back and said I was going to miss him, and that's when he started to cry. I calmed him down just as the voice came over the airport speakers and announced it was time for my parents plane to board. I hugged them all again and gave them each a kiss. It was 4:30 a.m. so I was exhausted but I was also wide awake because I realized I would see my parents for a long time. 

I walked out of the airport once I saw the plane go down the runway and go off to America. I sadly walked out to my car in the cold morning air and turned the radio on low. What makes you beautiful came on and I was singing softly to the music when I decided to call Mia. She said to call her once the plane left and she would come over so we could talk about sleeping arrangments. Mia said she would be at my house in about 30 minutes so I went into the kitchen and pulled the lucky charms out of the cupboard and got the milk from the fridge. I heard a knock on the door 30 minutes late and I knew that it was Mia because she was always on time. 

"Hey girl! Can I have some breakfast? I'm starving!" she exclaimed when she walked through the door. I pointed out the cereal on the counter and told her to help herself.

"So since there's 3 bedrooms, I was thinking that Lola could have her own room since she talks when she sleeps and sometimes keep people awake, and you and Adison can share a room. Is that okay with you?" I ask, knowing she will say yes because he and Adison always share pretty much everything.

"Yeah, that's cool. Let me just call Adi and let her know. She might get mad considering it's 5:00 but oh well, she can get over it." Mia responds while she pulls her phone out of her pocket. She calls and Adi screams at Mia, but calms down once she realizes it's not some crazy person waking her up. Adison was on board with our plan so I decided to text Lola and let her know.

To:Lo bear-hey, so you get your own room when you move into my house since you annoy people when you sleep talk. love you LO!!!

After I sent the text I waited about 5 minutes before my phone vibrated in my pocket.

From:Lo bear-oh shut up. your just jealous of my awesome talent. but that works for me. we still going shopping today?

I responded yes to Lola and let her know we would go shopping at noon. We were going to meet in the mall parking lot, so Mia just stayed over and borrowed some of my clothes and makeup, even though she didn't need to makeup. She was so pretty that it just added to her beauty. 

Once 12:00 came, Mia and I pulled up in the parking lot in our own cars and met up in the food court with the other girls. We decided to go shopping for about 30 minutes together and then split up. The first place I went alone was target because I needed to get some new stuff for my room since I was moving into the master bedroom. I went to go look at the bedding section and pulled out a new flower comforter and lime green sheets. I then moved onto the lamp section and was trying to reach a purple lamp, I got up on my tippy toes but still had no luck on reaching it.

"Need some help?" A strong Irish accent asked behind me, scaring me half to death. I turned around and started to reply.

"Yeah, actually if you could that would be-" I cut myself off when I realized who was standing in front of me. Niall Horan from One Direction looked at me with a scarred look on his face, and I assumed he thought I was going to scream out his name and start fan girling.

"Please don't scream!" He practically was begging me.

"Don't worry, I won't. Can you get the lamp for me though?" I asked, hoping he would still be willing to reach it for me. I looked into his bright blue eyes that stared back at me, as if he was trying to figure me out or something. I suddenly felt really self concious, so I looked down at my shoes and waited for his reply.

"Sure, no problem. What's your name?" He asked.

"Carsyn James. But I already know who you are, so no need to introduce yourself." I responded, immediatly regretting it because I feared it made me look like a complete freak.

"Nice to meet you Carsyn, and it isn't weird that you know who I am." He responded, then I realized I had spoken out loud, something I do when I'm nervous.

"Good, I just thought I looked like a complete stalker for a minute there. But good to know you dont think that!" I replied, making him laugh.

"No worries. So what are you doing? Remodeling your bedroom?" He asked, like he was truly interested in what I had to say.

"Yeah. My parents are gone for 2 years so my friends and I are all living in my house while they are gone." I gave him the short story, even though there really wasn't much left to the story besides that yet. He looked at me like he was trying to think of a way to respond but wasn't sure how to.

"Cool. Well you seem like a cool girl Carsyn. Wanna swap numbers so we can hang out sometime?" He asked, and I wondered why he wanted to hang out, but decided to just ignore the thought. I handed him my iphone and he handed me his. I put my number in it and my name, but he took a little longer to finish adding his. He handed me my phone and I went to look at my twitter, It said I had a new follower. @NiallOfficial had followed me and had mention me in a tweet:@NiallOfficial Just met @Carsynjames(A/N not sure if thats a real twitter or not) at target. Go follow my new friend! I looked up at him as I saw that it said I tweeted:@CarsynJames talking to @NiallOfficial. I'm so in love with the dreamy sex god! I wondered if thats why he had my phone longer than I had his. I just laughed at him and he winked back at me.

"I also put the other guys numbers in there, so I hope you don't mind." He told me as he still stared at me with those blue eyes that seemed to sparkle. I had to force myself to look away to respond.

"Not a problem, but I should get going. I have to finish shopping and I have a feeling that I wont be able to eat for at least a couple hours because I'm sure Lola will drag me to the stores with her. I'm starving which makes it worse." I respond, as my stomach growls. Niall laughs.

"Well I guess we have something in common. I'm always hungry, like you. But where does all the food go once you eat it?" He asked me. I had to laugh because I get asked that question a lot. I respond the same way to every person, but decided to have fun in my response with Niall.

"I honestly think that I was born with a black hole in my stomach, but my mom said I was crazy and wouldn't get me I guess the answer is I dont know!" I respond. He starts laughing and soon has tears coming out of his eyes because apparently my response was a good one. Once he calmed down, he decided he would respond.

"That was honestly the best thing I have heard all day. Thanks for the laugh! Bye Carsyn!" He replied and walked away. I just waved and went back to go pick out some picture frames to put in my new bedroom. I go to pick out a book case because my one at home broken from all the books, cds, and dvds that I have. I went up to the front to pay for it and walked out of the store with two large bags smiling like an idiot. All I could think about was my conversation with Niall as I realized that I bumped into someone.

My Life.One Direction Style(A Niall Horan Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now