Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Work it out?" I croaked, my throat raw.

Liam sighed and rolled his eyes before glaring at me. "You royals think you know everything, staring down at the rest of us from your ivory tower. I tried to explain my ability to you but you didn't seem interested."

"Y-you can feel magic," I replied, trying to recall the awkward conversation we had shared.

"I can feel magic, yes. But I can do so much more. Unlike Lord Henrick, you, your father, even Lady Evelyn were so short sighted that you never even bothered to find out what else I can do!" He was roaring at me now and if I could have, I would've flinched away. He had slapped his fist out, cracking me across the jaw before I'd known he would move.

Liquid fire rolled through my chin and lights exploded in my vision, my ears ringing.

"Now, now," Henrick said politely. "No scuffing the merchandise. I think you did enough damage back at the mansion. I have plans for her." He put his palm against Liam's chest as a restraint. Liam took several long deep breaths and stepped away.

Henrick hesitated for a moment, watching Liam as though he expected him to lash out at me again. My head throbbed and now my mouth, chin, and also jaw ached.

"Liam here is a man of many talents. For Magicks like Anton, Liam is his perfect counter. He can sense both mortal magic and magick, as well as being able to unravel them both. Anton can build and destroy an imprint. Liam can destroy them with gusto." Henrick smiled cruelly at me. "My son has proven himself weak. Liam has been chosen to help me overthrow your father and the idiotic Magick Council and take over with you as made pliant as my queen."

"Where's Will?" I asked in a hiss. My words came out mumbled but were audible. I glanced around the room, unable to see much farther than the circle's edge but finding no sign of him.

Henrick sighed. "Ah, the human," he replied. "He's alive and if you cooperate, he will remain so." I didn't like the wicked gleam in his eyes.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

Henrick and Liam exchanged a dark smile. "Liam is going to unravel your imprint." Henrick said, grinning.

I gasped. "You can't. It will kill Carson and Valeria and Anton," I said in a quick breath.

"I am well aware," Henrick replied.

"You're going to kill your own son!" I shrieked, jerking at my restraints which proved to be bolted to the wall behind me.

"He has outlived his usefulness," Henrick responded, uneffected.

"It will kill me," I yelled, equally furious and baffled at the heartlessness of these men before me. They didn't value life as anything more than personal usefulness. It was sickening.

Henrick barked out a harsh laugh. "We're counting on it. My coven of witches will draw from the life forces connected to you and force it into you instead. You'll survive. But you're...imprintees will die either way."

So that was his big plan. He was going to sacrifice Carson, Valeria, and Anton to break the imprints but still keep me alive for whatever sick twisted games he had in store.

"Why do you need me?" I asked.

Henrick and Liam both chuckled, as though this were some inside joke. "I unfortunately need you to mother offspring. Once the council has been decimated, the only things securing my reign will be a powerful mate and powerful children. I will take the Magicks by force."

"And what is Liam's prize," I asked, looking Liam and his frat boy appearance up and down.

He smiled at me though there was only malice in the gaze.

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