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Star got all her classes done and walked to a park on the campus and did some work she needed to do for her one class.

She sighed looking around to see it completely empty but it was also dark out, she shook her head looking at the time " I just need some more time, to get this done" she said to herself.

Her tired eyes watching the screen as she kept working on it, most of her senses being lost from being so tired. 

She kept shutting and opening her eyes tiredly until she shut her computer and looked around to see someone in the bushes. 

She got a bad feeling in her stomach and she gulped looking at the person in the bushes as they noticed she saw them.

They stood up and began walking over to her, her first reactions where pick up her things and start walking away, which she did.

She pretended like she didn't see the person but as the cold night and wind blew she heard footsteps following her.

Then someone grabbed her and her eyes widened "Miss me?" said the person behind the mask and she knew who it was by their eyes.

"Not my ex..." she thought as his grip on her wrist grew tighter making her whine and whimper and struggle to move.

He then moved closer to her making her back up and he pushed her against a wall "You probably know what I'm going to do to you now..." he said coldly, the look in his eyes was nothing she ever has seen.

she nodded slowly and he chuckled "good" he said and got closer to her "no, please no" she whined, she didn't want anything with him anymore as he broke her heart.

He didn't listen until she took the chance and punched him and ran away "I can't run to my dorm he'll know where I am then" she thought and kept running as he chased after her.

She turned and heard some noise from a dorm in hopes of being saved but he was too close, she started to yell and ran faster, her breath running shorter.

She turned around to see him stop and she widened her eyes when she ran into someone. "I'm so sorry! I-" she apologized to see the person she ran into was Jaemin.

"What's wrong? why are running like that at this time?" Jaemin asked rubbing his tired eyes "My ex was chasing me, he was going to rape me" Star said making Jaemin's eyes widen and look around to see her ex walking away.

he stood up and picked her up "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" Jaemin asked and she nodded sniffling.

He grabbed her hand and walked in and she followed him in, he then sat her down on his bed and wrapped her around in a blanket.

"Do you need anything?" jaemin asked caressing her hair and she shook her head, then a big thud made them both look at where it came from.

There was a groan and Jaemin chuckled "Hyuck, did you fall again?" Jaemin asked walking over to the second bed and the boy stood up "Yes of course again you dipshit" Hyuck said standing up.

His gaze turned from Jaemin to Star "Who's this burrito?" Hyuck asked making Jaemin chuckle and Star smiled.

Jaemin whispered to Hyuck and Hyuck nodded "okay...well night again" Hyuck said and went back to bed.

Jaemin walked back over to Star and smiled "Are you tired?" he asked and she nodded yawning, Jaemin smiled and picked her up putting her softly on his bed "You can sleep here" Jaemin said and took a couple of other blankets covering her up making her look like a little sushi roll.

He still smiled and picked up her things putting them on a table beside the bed "Good night, I'll be sleeping on the couch if you need anything come get me "Jaemin said and she nodded.

He turned around and went to walk away until star grabbed his hand "Can... you sleep with me?" Star asked and Jaemin nodded.

She smiled shyly as Jaemin got in the bed with her and wrapped a big blanket around them both. He smiled softly as she scooted closer to him and cuddled up to him.

He cuddled her, seeing her eyes slowly shut "Jaemin you better not fuck her right here cause I swear to god" Hyuck said making Jaemin turn around.

"Shush you thot," Jaemin said while star listened a little at them argue and smile until she fell asleep on Jaemin's chest.

Jaemin and Hyuck continued to argue about a lot of things, then they heard a knock on the door "It's 3 am who could be knocking at this time?" Hyuck asked and Jaemin shrugged.

Hyuck got up lazily and looked through the window. "Jaemin..." Hyuck called and signaled for Jaemin to come, Jaemin got up and walked over to the window and they both saw someone dressed up in black.

"It's the Police, Open up!" The man said "That's the man I saw when Star told me about what happened " Jaemin said and Hyuck's eye's widened.

Jaemin pulled Hyuck away from the window and gulped, as the man continued to bang on the door "Hyuck grab the phone and call the police, I'm going to get a knife" Jaemin whispered to Hyuck and Hyuck nodded grabbing the phone and dialing the police.

Jaemin walked over to the kitchen and picked up a knife looking at the man through the window. The man looked at the window and saw Jaemin holding a knife.

The man sighed and walked away "Hyuck he's walking away!" Jaemin yelled and Hyuck looked at Jaemin as he said something into the phone.

They both looked over at Star as she turned around still sleeping, Jaemin sighed and walked back over to her.

"You like her don't you?" Hyuck asked and Jaemin nodded slowly "she's a nice girl, I can tell, don't hurt her buddy it won't be worth it," Hyuck said sitting down in his bed and turning around to face the door closing his eyes.

Jaemin sighed and sat back down on the bed beside star and cuddled her.

~To be continued~

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