Meeting My Father

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Meeting My Father

"...and so the gods won their war against their father. In the aftermath, they were believed to create the world as it was known then, aiding its growth and overseeing its development like watchful guardians..." The teacher said, excited to talk to his students about his favorite subject.

As the teacher droned on in the background, doing his best to get the class engaged, Theseus could feel himself drawing away. The subject bored him to death, and he had more pressing matters, such as the fact that Chris was glaring at him murderously. Probably due to the fact that He had talked to the kids girlfriend.

The thought brought about a sigh from the teen, who allowed his head to droop. The three of them had been best friends back in middle school, but when high school started, those two almost instantly made their way to the top, leaving him behind.

He held no ill will towards them, but wished that their past would hold more weight than it seemingly did in their heads.

"...arc. Theseus!" The teacher said, his voice raised as he tried to get the boy's attention.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Brunner, I was just thinking about something, please continue the lesson." Theo replied, a hint of guilt in his voice.

As much as the subject bored him, Mr. Brunner was by far his favorite teacher and anytime he zoned out, he felt a small wave of guilt crash down on him.

"I can see that, class ended almost ten minutes ago. Who do you have next? I'll write you a pass." Mr. Brunner said as he pulled out a notepad and pen.

"There's no need sir, I'll just take the detention." Theo said as he made to gather his stuff.

"If you say so my boy. And one word of advice, I'd suggest you pay attention all you can to each and every class. You have no idea when you might need something from them."

Theseus gave his teacher a weary nod, before exiting the class. He had made it maybe 10 feet out the door when two different people grabbed his arms.

Instantly, he started to struggle, doing his best to shake off whoever it was.

"Theo, act normally otherwise what we have planned will just get a whole lot worse." A masculine voice, that he recognized as Chris, said.

"What the hell do you want, Chris? I haven't done anything to you."

"Oh? So you weren't trying to get with Sarah? My bad, let him go guys." Chris said. Theseus felt the two holding him let go, and was just about to thank Chris, but instead, he found himself falling as his legs were swept out from under him.

Stars danced in Theo's vision as an audible crack was heard when his head hit the cold tiled floor.

"Like I would believe you. I never thought you were this stupid." Chris said as he let loose a vicious kick into Theseus' side, making the teen clutch his side in pain.

"Maybe it's because I want us to go back to how we used to be, back when we were friends." The boy said through pained breaths.

"I only talked to you so I could get with Sarah. You wanna hear something funny?" Chris asked as he let loose another vicious kick.

"You remember that time in freshman year, when you confessed to her? You want to know what she did? She came to my house, and we laughed at you. She called you pathetic, and then do you what we did? We had a little fun if you get my meaning. So get it through your thick head, we don't like you. All you are is a waste of space. A pathetic excuse for a person." Chris said as a grin came across his face. The teen delivered one last kick to Theo's side, before he gestured to his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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