Chapter 51 : Spangna's Delicate Heart

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Chéri sat on a large cube after he spent time stretching and warming up.

He performed his usual ritual of placing a spacer in between his toes and taping his foot up as he slipped on his toe cover. He took a thick paper towel and folded it to wrap around his small foot before he slipped his pointe shoes on, and then wrapped the lace ribbon around his ankles.

"Nice and tight." Marcel ordered as he pointed, "Have you sewn your shoe?"

"Yes." Chéri answered, "You bring out the best in my training."

"Untrue, but you have a large part at the event. If you fall flat on your face then our business will be affected." Marcel said as he circled Chéri and clapped his hand, "Triple Fouetté and split leap. Go!"

Chéri stood up and did an intricate, graceful spin on the spot.

"Stop!" Marcel said in a fed-up voice.

"Huh?!" Chéri asked.

"What the fuck do you call that?! You're badly out of practice. Poor execution. Lack of lift. Pas D'élégance." Marcel sighed.

"Again?" Chéri asked.

"Oui." Marcel said as he nodded.

Chéri did another spin but could tell his timing was off, "The problem is I haven't done this for a while."

Marcel turned around and pointed in his face. "The problem is, you have spent too long on your back and not long enough on your toes. Now! Again!"

"Stop having a go at me all the time!" Chéri snapped, looking a little emotional.

Marcel pointed back in Chéri's face, "What is this, hmm? Tears?! You cry over trivial stupidity like your poor ballet performance, yet not over important matters, like your rotten character."

Chéri rolled his mesmerising green eyes and leant against the wall. "Why can't we do anything without you bringing all that up?"

"Because you need to issue a public apology to me and an explanation. Nothing else is acceptable. Your mother went to great lengths to retain me under condition, so what I say happens. Remember, you answer to us both. So, shut your liar's mouth and perform your piece." Marcel said.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. You know, you have a foul temper. Lenny doesn't."

Marcel lightly slapped Chéri's face. "Stop your arrogance. If you think Lennon is so talented then have him here witnessing this mess, not me."

"No. Why should I? You're paid staff, and you have knowledge of the arts. I wish Lenny knew about ballet because he appreciates me! You don't!" Chéri said.

"You're a fool Chéri. You take any conflicted, affection starved man off the street and offer him sex, excitement and a lifestyle beyond his means and imagination, and he would worship you! Idiot." Marcel argued.

"No! I don't know what I ever saw in you! You're just a bitter bigot! Lennon loves me! He worships me! Body and soul!" Chéri said.

"Body and soul...?" Marcel asked sarcastically.


"He loves what he can see on the outside. The beautiful lie." Marcel replied.

"Don't be horrible to me." Chéri said, "Why do you always make me feel like shit?!"

"Because you are shit." Marcel said.

Chéri's eyes watered as he started back, "You never would have said such hurtful things to me before! You used to say such beautiful things!"

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