0; disbelief.

684 52 21

(n.) disbelief;

inability or refusal to accept something that is true or real.


All four of the humans were crammed into Jimin's apartment, curled up on sofas, tables and the floor. Some lo-fi music played from Hoseok's phone; finished packets, tubs and cartons of food and drink surrounded them, countless game console controllers beside their fluffily socked feet.

The quartet had stuffed six months worth of knowledge into a week's worth of revision, not realising how close finals were until the libraries were filled with worried, stressed students. They hadn't forgotten, they knew what was coming, but they hoped that the less they thought about it, the less real it was.

Which, obviously, was not and would never be the case.

Procrastination really was a killer.

At first, Jimin and Hoseok supposedly had it easy, since they were dance students. But through deeper thought, they had numerous choreographies to memorise and they had to stick to a fixed schedule of practice, dieting and exercising.

Namjoon was a bio-chemistry student, meaning that his disorganisation was not the best for him and he definitely got hit the hardest with all the exams. Shockingly (by Jimin's and Taehyung's standards), chemistry was not all setting fire to magnesium strips and doing titrations.

Taehyung studied art, and his current module was impressionist art - and Jesus, fuck, he never wanted to look at a painting ever again after this last week. He was ready to cut off his own head at this point, never mind his ear. He felt almost personally betrayed by Vincent Van Gogh for existing and being the wonder that he was, since he was so tired of studying, analysing and copying his paintings.

They did this for every exam, important or just a termly thing. It wasn't that they were bad students, they were just incredibly unorganised and procrastinated more often than not. They lived by the sentiment that nothing bad had happened yet, none of them had been kicked from their majors or from the school, which was a good enough sign that they were doing adequately well.

And after a tough two weeks of nothing but sleepless nights and constant naps between classes, countless cups of black coffee and showing up to lectures in sweatpants and four-days worn t-shirts (they looked no different from the other students, it was an unspoken uniform at this time of the year) - the boys had rewarded themselves with a game/ film night and obesity-inducing meals. Jimin and Hoseok had never realised how great greasy pizza tasted after they'd avoided anything that wasn't lean meat, fruit or healthy in general for two weeks. Namjoon and Taehyung had never realised how much free time is taken for granted, and were just thankful that they weren't worrying over exam times, seats and whereabouts.

"Okay, I know that it's three in the morning, but-" Jimin started, laid on his back upon an array of cushions and blankets on his coffee table, looking up at the paint-patchy ceiling.

"Jimin, no-" Hoseok groaned, pulling the covers over his head. The other three were so close to sleep - so, so close - and then one of the youngest spoke up again.

"If you fucked a vampire, would it make you a necrophiliac?"

"It'd make you a delulu, vampires aren't real." Taehyung replied gruffly, throwing a cushion at the elder, "now, go to sleep."

Jimin squeaked as the cushion hit his face, rubbing his nose with a soft whine as he cursed at the younger.

"Vampires are real." Jimin muttered, knowing so, because he was with one last night. She was deathly pale with long, sleek black hair the colour of the night sky. Her eyes were a deep scarlet and she had two prominent canine teeth that had grazed his neck, but never cut.

However, anything and everything good comes with a curse. Jimin was about to be hit with two curses.

One; the undying attraction to the undead, enticed by their pheromones and lace voices. Unknowingly, he was already trapped in her web, stuck within the strands like the vulnerable prey he was.

And two; her twin brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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