Gianna's POV

I woke up at 10:30 in the morning. That was early for me, considering I usually don't get up on a weekend until four. I got out of bed and instantly saw the folder sitting innocently on top of my desk. I instantly slumped down and walked to my closet to grab something to wear.

I chose a gray crop top, a pair of denim high waisted shorts, white hi-top Converse, and put my hair in a bun.

I grabbed some of my old school books, put my fake glasses on, and walked downstairs to see my sister and Matt still asleep and cuddling on the couch.

I put down my books and wrote on a sticky note, explaining where I was going this early in the morning. Not to lead a really hot boy on and then shoot him, but that I was going out for a ride around town.

I stuck the sticky note onto her forehead and walked out the door, books in hand. I hopped in my car and searched up the Pentagon files.

I typed in the password and clicked on my mission's file. It said:

Nash Grier will be at the Memorial Lincoln Park today at 10:30 with Cameron Dallas and Hayes Grier.

I took a deep breath and turned on the ignition. I drove all the way to the park, and saw dozens of cars. I put my government card in the window and parked in a handicapped parking space. I got out of my car and spoke into my Bluetooth, which I had put in before I left.

"General. I need the location of Hamilton Nash Grier." I said. I heard a small grunt in response, and some loud clicking.

"At the giant oak tree in the middle of that one clearing at the back of the park." he responded with a yawn.

"Thank you sir." I said, then started making my way to the back of the park.

Once I got there, I instantly recognized the familiar blue eyes of Nash Grier.

He was penny boarding with two more really attractive guys. I took another deep breath and walked out in front of them, pretending to be absorbed deep in the book on top of the pile.

"Hey, watch out!" I heard a voice scream. I instantly knew it was Nash, who was leading the two boys behind him along.

I looked up, still pretending to be oblivious to everything, and he ran into me. I felt my books fly into the air, his muscly body crashing into mine, and his penny board flying out from under him.

We both fell to the ground, with him on top of me. His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my lips. I blushed a light shade of pink, and he smiled at me. "Sorry. I really didn't see you coming." I said, looking down.

He got off of me and stood, holding out his hand to help me stand. I took it. His grip was strong, but soft at the same time. I stood and looked at the other boys. one of them, the older one I guessed, had sunglasses on, but he pushed them down and looked at me over them.

The other one's mouth just hung open wide.

I looked back up at Nash, who seemed to be taller than me. "Thanks." I said to him. "Any time beautiful." he said, smiling a bright smile. I let my cheeks flush a little bit more. "My name's Gianna. Sorry again." I said nervously. This guy was making me have butterflies.

I looked down at our still intertwined hands and pulled mine away, but he just grabbed it again and slid a note into it, then let go and grabbed his penny board.

I smiled up at him again, and he put his penny board on the ground and skated away.

I walked past the other boys, and the guy with sunglasses took them off and smirked at me."Hey, pretty lady. Is there any chance I could get your number?"

I just shook my head and continued to walk away from them, swaying my hips in a tantalizing torture.

I got back in my car and opened the note. It was his number next to some hearts and the words Call Me.

I smiled and turned on my Bluetooth. "Number achieved sir." I spoke into it. "Great job soldier. Call him later. Remember, no dating until we get him to the designated shooting area." he instructed. "Yes sir." I said before hanging up and letting out a groan.

I started up my car and drove home.

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