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The next day was BTS's first concert since Jimin had been in the hospital. In fact, it was the first time the boys had appeared in public since "that night". Their manager had cancelled everything for the next three weeks, allowing the boys to see their families and giving Jimin time to recover. Jungkook and Jimin both went to Busan since that is where they grew up. Jimin's family was so glad to see him. Their understanding and unconditional love filled an empty slot in Jimin's heart.

Everyone was excited to be performing again. They loved interacting with their fans. Even though he was excited, a lot of anxiety weighed Jimin down. What if his fans were angry with him. What if they thought he was fat? He had regained some weight already. What if they noticed and didn't like it? He had mixed feelings.

In the waiting room, Jimin was restless. The boys didn't try to make him eat. They knew he never ate before going on stage. And they did understand that sick/ nervous feeling you can get in your stomach that just makes you queezy. So they didn't push it. Jimin was glad for that.

Jungkook just put on his outfit for the opening song. The others were all getting ready now, but he was the first done. Jimin was finishing his stage makeup. In the reflection of a large mirror, he saw Jungkook walk into the room, looking fine.

"Oooh, Jungkookie looks so handsome tonight! Jungkook, come over here."

Jungkook grinned and went over to Jimin.

Jimin had Jungkook stand in front of him so he could look at him more clearly. A satisfied smile danced on his lips.

"Oh yes, very handsome. Quite a lady killer, wouldn't you agree Taehyung?"

Taehyung looked up from his phone, one eyebrow raised.


Jungkook smiled shyly and blushed.

"Hyung, why do you always say those things?"

Jimin laughed.

"Because it's true! I mean look at you! You have grown into a man! And look at how handsome you've become!"

All the boys who were listening smiled at Jimin's sincerity. He truly meant what he said.

Namjoon was silently observing the whole thing. Now that he thought about it, Jimin did compliment everyone a lot, especially Jungkook. Something clicked in Namjoon's mind. He did seem to baby Jungkook and always tell him of how handsome and adorable he was. Maybe Jimin wanted to give Jungkook something he had never had. Maybe Jimin gave so many compliments because he longed to recieve some.

Right before they went on stage, the boys were warming up their voices and stretching. They could hear the fans screaming impatiently for their appearance. Nerves were tight as the boys prepared themselves for the show. Namjoon stood next to Jimin and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Jimin, you will do great. Just do your best, and be yourself. The fans love that the most."

Then Namjoon walked away without waiting for a response.

Jimin was taken back by Namjoon's sudden words. He couldn't remember the last time someone had given him a compliment, besides his parents of course. But coming from Namjoon hyung, it meant a lot to Jimin. Tears stung the corners of his eyes. He felt ready to go on stage and do his best performance yet. His fans were waiting for him.

On stage, Jimin was a different person. His adrenaline flowed through his body as he danced. When he spoke to his fans, they loved it. He felt more alive than he had in a long time. At the end, when they were taking pictures with their fans, so many of them told Jimin how much they loved him, cared about him, and forgave him for scaring them. Their genuine smiles gave him hope for a better future. He knew he had the best fans ever. 

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