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With continuing help from the boys and support from his parents, managers, and ARMY, Jimin was slowly recovering. There were ups and downs, and sometimes Jimin would fall. But the others never left him; they stayed with him through the worst moments. ARMY always supported him, and he found strength in their support.

Finally, after about three months of struggle, Jimin was able to eat without shame. Even though his cheeks had become round and he had gained back his original weight, it didn't bother him. His ARMY told him they loved his round cheeks, so he felt more comfortable about it. He also found comfort in the boys, who reassured Jimin that he was doing the right thing.

Five months after Jimin started recovery, something happened that would test his confidence. The boys went to MAMA 2015 to perform "Run" for the first time. They also had a collaborated dance with Got7. Everyone was excited. Backstage, while the boys were resting in their waiting room, on of the managers from the event entered their room to talk to the boys about the show. While talking, he kept glancing at Jimin, who was already in full costume. When he was done with his instructions, the man turned and spoke to Jimin.

"Are you dieting? Don't you think you should lose some weight? Look at your cheeks, they are fat. Why do you let yourself go like that? Do you not respect yourself?"

Everyone stopped. Jimin's eyes grew wide. The other boys couldn't breathe. What did he just say? Didn't he know what had happened that past summer? Was he that insensitive?

Jimin couldn't answer. A huge lump in his throat threatened to choke him. There was a moment of awkward and dangerous silence. The manager could tell he had created tension, not just between him and Jimin, but with the other boys as well. Then Namjoon found his voice.

"Excuse me, but Jimin does NOT need to lose weight. He is perfect just the way he is. Who are you to say such a thing to him?"

Now everyone looked at their leader. None of the boys had ever heard him be disrespectful before. If there was something Namjoon valued the most, it was respect.

The manager was offended by his lack of respect. He frowned deeply. Anger became his expression. But Namjoon didn't seem bothered at all. He held the manager's gaze strongly. In the back of the room, BTS's head manager quietly observed.

"You, young man, how dare you speak to me that way!"

But Namjoon did not cower. Instead, he stood next to Jimin and placed a strong hand on his shoulder.

"You cannot speak to my brother like that."

The manager's mouth was pressed tight. The others couldn't stay quiet any longer. Hoseok took Jimin's hand.

"He is perfect just the way he is, and you should not be so rude to say things like that to him!"

Jimin hung his head, feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed. He couldn't utter a sound. He was comforted by Hoseok's hand grasping his, and Namjoon's grip on his shoulder.

The other boy stood behind Jimin, some of them nodding in agreement, others just staring the manager down. Suga glared so strongly, the man became slightly nervous. He stood his ground, but he didn't seem as fiery as he had been before. Jin spoke up.

"Please, if you have nothing else to instruct us on, then leave. We need to finish preparing."

The manager just stood in complete shock of what had happened. He had never seen young men behave in such a way. He looked back at the boys' manager, who was silently watching everything.

"Aren't you going to say something? Why do you allow them to act this way?"

BTS's manager stood and walked towards them. He stood among the boys and placed both his hands on Jimin's shoulders.

"I will say only this. I will not punish these boys for speaking the way they have. They were only sticking up for each other, and that is worthy of praise."

Well, the stage manager didn't know what to think. His mouth hung open; his face held a blank expression. Then, with a angry growl and a huff, he turned on his heels and walked out.

Everyone was quiet. What had just happened?. Nobody was positive on exactly what had went on. The first to break the moment was Jimin. He turned around to face everyone.

"Guys, I..."

But his manager interrupted him.

"Jimin, I hope you understand what that man told you is false. The things he said he had no right to, and they weren't even true."

The manager placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder, making direct eye contact. Jimin saw the kindness in his eyes. He was very glad for such a caring manager.

Jimin nodded. He was shaken up, and the others could see the pain in his eyes. Jungkook spoke up.

"Manager hyung, you really aren't angry?"

He looked around at all the boys.

"No, I am not. It is true, you were disrespectful, and I cannot say I approve. However, I am so proud of the brothers you have become and the way you all support and love each other, that I am not bothered by this situation."

Everyone smiled at the kindness and understanding their manager gave.

Jimin felt challenged by the event. His old thoughts about being fat flooded his mind. What that man said, was it true? His manager told him no, but was that the truth? The stage man seemed to know what he was talking about. After all, he had been in show business for a long time. Maybe he had let himself go...

Someone gripped Jimin's arm, yanking him from his thoughts. It was Taehyung. A sense of compassion and comfort radiated from him.

"Jimin, don't let your past consume you. Trust me, you don't want to relapse. It's harder the second time than the first."

The look in Taehyung's eyes told Jimin he knew from experience. He smiled weakly. There were still uncertainties, but he wasn't going to plunge back into the hole he had just crawled out of. It was hard, but Jimin found the strength to suppress the evil thoughts. Taehyungs's words helped him clear his head and stay focused on his job.

MAMA was amazing. The boys owned the stage. Their dance with Got7 was a huge success, each boy looking incredible. Everyone loved their new performance; that was all anyone talked about. Even the stage staff and producers complemented them on their choreography. The boys beamed with delight, realizing all their hard work had paid off.

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