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JULIUS FRANKLIN WASN'T entirely sure of at which point his life had become a constant competition. He supposed, in a way, it always had been. It was to be expected, being the third of six children, each and every one of them craving their parents' attention more than anything. All willing to do just about anything for it.

Julius remembered when it had all just been a friendly competition between siblings. Just a push to get the most awards, or be the most "gifted" in a certain sport. Small jabs at each other about how one of them had gotten a higher placement in the spelling bee. Meaningless jabs, with no intent to hurt.  At some point, however, that had changed. Friendly jabs became cutting insults. The occasional drive for exceeding expectations became a non-stop contest of who's the best. Who's the smartest. Who's the fastest. Who deserves that craved attention from Mom and Dad the most?

He didn't really know how this change had happened. Or why, for that matter. What he did know was that he'd do whatever it took to be extraordinary, to be the one who stood out amongst his siblings. And maybe, just maybe, finding a dead Welsh king is the way to achieve that.

[ cast ]

GUSTAV FRANKLIN( cameron monaghan )

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( cameron monaghan )

GUSTAV FRANKLIN( cameron monaghan )

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( fionn creber)


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( gabriel basso )

DANIELLE FRANKLIN( samantha isler )

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( samantha isler )

DANIELLE FRANKLIN( samantha isler )

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( annalise basso )

AMELIA FRANKLIN( annalise basso )

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( thomas kuc )

also starring . . .

ruggero pasquarelli as RICHARD GANSEY III

paul craddock as NOAH CZERNY

froy gutierrez as ADAM PARRISH

reece king as RONAN LYNCH

damaris goddrie as BLUE SARGENT

[ the raven boys ]

[ warnings: child abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms, destructive behavior, internalized homophobia, swearing ]

DISCLAIMER: i do not own the raven cycle, or any of its characters and plot lines. i do, however, own julius and his family, so pretty please don't steal them.

DEDICATIONS| to lolo (she needs to finish trc smh) and kmbell92 (who said she'd read this so 😤😤)

SAGE'S NOTES | the things in the warnings are touched just about as much as in canon but i still felt the need to put them there asksksk

n e ways, im usually super averted from trc fics involving ocs as main characters, mainly because all of the series' (main??) characters are intertwined with the story differently and they're all vital to it, and it just doesn't make sense for someone else to also be part of the story. BUT ive has this idea for a while, and honestly, why not just try it out??

also the title is a bmc song but the story doesn't have much to do with the song in itself.

( also in case you didn't figure it out already, the cast has the siblings ordered from oldest to youngest )

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