Chapter Twenty three ( Things Just went up side down )

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" Kasey ! " Mum said in surprise as soon as she opened the door of my room .. I immediately left my eyes from the window from where Danny have Just Jumped and turned to face My confused mother 
" Yes Mum ! " I answered her as I ran to her and hugged her " I missed you " I said 
" Yeah , me more !" she said then she got away for a little " What is going on here ? " she asked as she raised her eyebrow ! 
" What ?! Nothing ! " I  was confused but I tried not to show any expression .. and I was sure that mum felt that there is something wrong .. 
" so ! you were .. " Mum began to say as she scanned the room by her eyes but I didn't let her finish her sentence
" Sleeping .. Yes " I said as I gave her a small smile 
" Okay !!" mum said awkwardly 
" ah By the way I wanted to tell you something Important " I said as I sat on my bed .. Mum turned to me with a look of suspicious as she took a seat beside me ..
" Yes " she said waiting me to push the words out of my mouth 
" well " I started "  Today Morning something sad happened .. Danny Father  Mr McCall .. Passed away " I said as I swiped a tear away 
" OMG !! He was that ill !! Oh That's really bad " Mum said in shocked voice as she stood up 
" Yes .. And the funeral is tomorrow in the church " I said as I walked towards my window I took a glance at Danny's room then turned my attention to Mum 
" Oh !! I should tell your father then .. we should go .. All of us ! yeah .. Sleep early because we will be up early okay ?!... I have to call Gina " Mum said as she got really confused and began to walk out of my room 
" Good Night Mum " I said as I sat on my bed 
" Yeah Night " Mum replied as she went outside and closed the room door after her .. 

I took My Laptop  out and opened it I decided to log in My face book account and see how things are going .. The home page loaded and all the news were clear .. !! No one knew of the Death of Danny's Father !! How possible is that !! we are in The era of speed .. I opened Danny's profile and found nothing !! The very last thing he updated was that silly selfie we took together the day I helped him in the school work !! I stared at this picture for a while and found myself smiling .. I closed My laptop picked up my phone .. I was about to call Danny but I wasn't ready to hear his sad voice again so I decided to text him small text  Keep the hope .. I wish you a safe night and good sleep take care of yourself  ILY..   I pressed send then put my phone by my side after a few minutes I got a mess back  It's I Love you not ILY .. You too :*  that message was able to make me smile for the rest of the night .. I put My head on the pillow and prayed to be ready for the hard day coming next ...

Kasey ! Seriously you have to wake up !! " I hear-ed my mum calling I just felt tired .. so tired that I put my pillow over my head to prevent the sunlight coming from my window because mum of course let the Curtains be opened " Right now ! " Mum shouted as she took away the pillow from over my head .. 

" Fine !! " I said as I sat on bed half asleep  
" Wear Something white "  Mum said Making my eyes go really wide 
" White ! IT's a Funeral isn't it !! " I said as I stood up and began to look for my slipper with one eye because the other was almost blind by the sun light .. I looked at the alarm next to the bed and found that it was six in the morning 
" Yeah ! Mr McCall wanted people wear white when he die .. he said that people should be happy for him because he left that ugly world " Mum explained 
" I see .. but don't you think that it's way too early !! I mean what funeral will be at six " I said as played with my messed her .. I even messed it up more ..
" We will help Gina to put candles all over the church and those stuff .. the funeral will start at Eight .. so You better go and get dressed right now " Mum ordered me then left the room and left me confused .. I wasn't able to think or do anything at all I was really tired ..

I decide to take a Quick Shower to wake myself ..I walked to my wardrobe searching for something white to wear I couldn't find anything but a White dress I have never worn before .. I took it and went to take my Quick shower .. after Taking  a shower I went out passed a brush through my hair and began to search for something to wear on my feet but I was interrupted by my mother who entered the room suddenly ..

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