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She felt warm.

She slowly opened up her eyes and adjusted toward the darkened room. She took in the bare covered walls, the flow of wind from the open window and the steady breathing from something next to her.

She turned her head slightly to see him sleeping soundly behind her. A peaceful look upon his face.

She didn't even remember falling asleep. He had taken her up to the roof and they had stayed there for what seemed like hours. A small infinity of pure content. Eventually, they had gone back down to his room. The party goers had left and she offered to help clean up but he had shaken his head and told her to just wait in his room and then he would take her home.

The last thing she remembered was sitting on top of his comforter listening to him laugh quietly with his sister.

She knew her mother would be furious but that didn't motivate her enough to move. She felt so content where she was. She felt safe. All the pain she carried seemed to be further away than it usually was.

She gently laid her head back onto the pillow and snuggled under the blankets with a brief smile on her face.

Just when she was about to fall back under, she heard him mumble under his breath and move closer toward her. She froze and opened her eyes when she felt his arm circle her waist, locking her in place against him. His breath was right against the back of her neck.

She grew anxious at first. Mostly nervous that she would move and bump into him; causing him to stir away from her. She counted in her head before the feeling of his heartbeat set her to sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, the room was filled with a pale glow. She turned her head but she didn't have to look to know he wasn't there. The warmth she felt when she woke up in the middle of the night was gone. She ran her hands over his side before she sat up on the bed.

She listened for a sound but there wasn't any.

She yawned and sat up, throwing her hands over her head as she stretched. She slowly pulled herself off of the bed and onto the harsh wooden floor. Compared to the wood floor at home, this one was covered in scratches and cracks. Her mother would have a field day about it. She found herself in awe of it, tracing it briefly with her toes.

She shook her head and peeked at herself slightly from the mirror hanging off of his closest. Her long-sleeved shirt was wrinkled around her waist, her hair was more frizzy that usual and the light makeup she had wore last night must have rubbed of onto his pillow.

She bit her lip as she turned at stared at the bed.

She never felt that with a person before. Besides sleepovers with Wells growing up, she never shared a bed with a boy before.

Her skin grew hotter at the remembrance of warmth wrapped around her like vine. She took a few moments before she walked toward the bed and quickly made it. She smoothed out the comforter before turning toward his dresser picking up her bag from his sister and her phone (she didn't bother to check her phone, her mother would repeat everything she left on her phone in the next few hours in person.). She glanced at his bedroom door in confusion. Would he be out there? What was she to say?

She took a deep breath and opened his bedroom door and listened. It was then that she heard soft whispers and the clattering of dishes.

She walked down the small hallway to see the back of his head and his sister's bright face.

"Morning sleepyhead." Octavia smirked as she glanced into her cereal bowl.

She watched as he turned his head slightly, as she had done in the middle of the night to check that he was there. He coughed slightly before he stood up, offering her his chair.

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