Chapter 6

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I smile intrigued by his proposal. I do want to get to know him better, well and tell him more about myself, but how will I dodge the age question, I know he is probably dying to know my age, and I'm anxious to know his. Although, I'm certain he is in his early thirties, and I don't look older than twenty, which is still 3 years older than my actual age. I noticed William studying my face with a sign of uncertainty in eyes, he has been waiting for my response, that I still haven't given him.
" Well, my full name is Camila Rose Velarde. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My parents divorced when I was little. And I'm studying business. My life isn't that interesting if I'm being honest." I smile shrugging my shoulders. He laughs at my response," I highly doubt that." Fuck, I can feel my face becoming extremely red. I must look like a bright, ready to eat, tomato. " You are so intriguing to me. I love the way you shudder under my touch, the way you bite those plump lips of yours, or the how you nervously play with your hair. I could literally sit here and watch you all day. You are more interesting than you believe." If I wasn't so red already, he had to go and say all of that. It obvious that he is so damn smooth with his words. The way he speaks makes me want to jump on him. No I won't do it but trust me I really do want to. Now what the fuck am I supposed to respond to that? He continues to stare at me awaiting a response. He doesn't seem to regret a single word he said. He knows the affect his words have on me and seems to truly enjoy watching me squirm. But two can play this game. If I'm so interesting as he says I am, I must have a huge effect on him also. "Do girls usually fall when you say that?" I ask him with a smirk forming on my face to match his. He laughs, "No, I don't usually date." That's interesting. I don't know if I'm more shocked that he doesn't go on dates or that we are on a date."Why don't you?" I ask him really wanting to figure out why such a handsome man doesn't date. It's already hard to believe that he isn't married. " Most women don't grab my attention. Whether they just want sex or they are just interested in my money. But you, there's something different about you. When I saw you in the hotel, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." I smile at his words. Everything he says makes it 10x harder for me to confess my little secret. I know I had decided not to tell him because I didn't plan on seeing him again. But now I feel sort of special because he liked me enough to take me on date when he doesn't do dates. "Well, in that case, it's an honor William."

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