Chapter 11

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He pulls my body closer to his; that my chest is pressed tightly against his. His hands begin to roam my body once again; until finally settling around my butt, giving it a small squeeze. I gasp, startled by his actions, I swear his goal is to drive me crazy. I also can't help but feel grateful for my older brother forcing me to accompany him to gym during the summer. William breaks our kiss and begins to kiss my neck once again. I'm so close to giving in to his offer. "Goodnight Love." He says removing his hands from my body and begins to walk away with a smirk plastered on his face; leaving me there gasping for air. What a fucking tease! He knows exactly what he is doing and the purpose behind his every action. I feel overwhelmed by many emotions; frustration, annoyance, anger, and disbelief. Shaking my head, I look down at the key in a tight grip in my hand, I should really get inside before anyone from school sees me. I place the card inside the slot but the door doesn't budge. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I move the card in and out once again but the light remains red. I swear I'm about to lose it and start screaming as if I wasn't already frustrated enough by William's teasing. "Breath in, breath out Cam." I tell myself, trying to comfort myself, before I go absolutely insane. I place the key inside the slot once again; the light turns a bright green. I sigh in relief and push the door open walking in quickly inside the dark room. Closing the door shut, I lean against the door sliding down on the floor. I can't believe everything that happened today. William is extremely nice, not to mention, incredibly sexy. I have no idea how I'm going to get away with meeting with him again tomorrow. Our schedule is going to be full, so I don't have a clue how I'm going to escape the dinner scheduled with my history class in the evening. But I'm willing to do anything to see him again, to feel his hands on my body, to kiss him, or to touch him. My hand moves up to my lips, tracing the outline of my lips. I can't help but feel all warm and fussy. I giggle at my ridiculousness. "Camila?" I jump startled by the sound of Diana's voice. "Shit Diana you scared me," I tell her as I place my hand over my chest, " Aren't you supposed to be asleep." I stand from the floor and walk over to the bed. "I couldn't fall asleep. I was very anxious because you didn't come back." I nod. I would have also been terrified if my friend left with a stranger and didn't come back until 2 am. "I'm sorry! I should have messaged you that I was fine." I tell her while sitting next to her on the bed. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't bother to message any of them that I was perfectly fine with William. "Don't worry about it, but now you have to tell me everything." She whispers. I smile remembering everything that happened today.

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