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A/N what do you guys think about Trisha's "exposing" video on David? if you wanna debate about it im me please

Friday, 1:55pm


Ryland Adams tweeted:
Ready with my tea for the Docuseries in 5 minutes!

Friday, 2:00pm

Shane Dawson: "Inside the Vlog Squad, Part 1"

Shane: Hey guys, today we're diving into our topic right away because we have a lot to cover. You already know what I'm talking about, YouTube's biggest friend group - The Vlog Squad.

Pictures and videos flash by of the friends

Shane: In part two of this docuseries, I'll be interviewing members of the Vlog Squad, but right now, I'm going to go into the reason behind the "we all make mistakes" hashtag that's been floating around Twitter.

'#weallmakemistakes' posts overlap Shane, David's distinct laugh in the background

Shane: So this seems to have started because of one thing - the reason David and Liza broke up. People have been speculating about why this was ever since they announced it, but I have the reason.

The scene of a Skype call between Shane and David fills the screen

Shane: Thank you for doing this, after that texting interview I felt like we just needed one question answered with your face attached.

David: *laughs* Of course. So, the real reason Liza and I broke up was because of several mistakes we've come to terms with now. When she was filming Liza on Demand, we barely talked or saw eachother at all. One day, one of my friends was crying, having a tough time. I had comforted her, and she leaned in to kiss me in the heat of the moment. I kissed back, but it meant nothing afterword, and I regretted it.

Shane: And this was why you broke up?

David: Partly, but I had asked the rest of my friends to keep it from her, and I realize that was perhaps the worst decision. When she found out, she was infuriated. She was mad at everyone, which is why people were calling her "psycho" and other names. I don't blame her, what I appreciate now is how we're trying to move past it, become friends again.

Shane: I see... Well, thank you, David, for coming on here and talking about this. Trust me, this clears a lot up.

David: It was a pleasure, Shane.

The Skype call ends, showing Shane back in his conspiracy room

Shane: This is what started it, but there's MUCH to go.

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