ONE: the day that everything changed

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"People keep telling me that life goes on

but to me; that is the hardest part."

Dear Tony,
If you receive this letter that something terrible has happened. I should have told you sooner. You have a daughter. I found out that I was pregnant a few days after we broke up. She is beautiful and so bright. She reminds me of you. I know that you don't like children but I beg of you, please take her in. She has nobody else. I wasn't ever going to tell her or you because I didn't want her getting all of that attention that being close to you has. I wanted her to have a normal life to be able to be a normal kid. You understand right? It's not like you had very many good parent figures in your life and growing up a Stark was never a pleasant experience. You know that. But now, there is no choice. She needs you. Please help her. If you love me, love her too. I beg of you.
~ Samantha Coulson
"Lizzy!" Samantha called, "come here please."

"Coming momma!" The young girl said running down the stairs.

"Have a good day at school, love you." She smiled planting a kiss on the young girl's head. Her step-father Trevor walked up and gave the girl a kiss on the cheek and said.

"Goodbye Liz."

"Bye Trev," she smiled hugging him. She went to give her mother a hug which she found especially hard. Samantha's swollen midsection was not allowing it.

"Flynn," she giggled. "You're making it so I can't hug momma. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Samantha's abdomen.

"Love you baby brother." She whispered.

Trevor only became a part of Liz's life very recently. Only about 4 years ago he found Samantha and proposed to her 2 years ago. Liz still didn't love him like she loved momma and Flynn but she was starting to see him more like her daddy. That is when Alyssa Marie Coulson became Alyssa Marie Collins. That was the last time she ever saw her family.
She was ushered into a building with unfamiliar people. They scare her. These weird people took her from her school and brought her here.

"What's going on?" She whimpered.

"Alyssa," the woman whispered.

"Your mom and dad were in a terrible car crash."

"What?" She whimpered.

"They're dead. I'm so sorry sweetheart. The woman turned to caress Alyssa's shoulder.

"No, no, no!" She screamed.

"They're not dead! Not dead!" She sobbed.

"I know sweetheart. It's hard-" the women went to hug her.

"Don't touch me!" Alyssa shrieked.

"Oh ok, sorry." The woman whispered,
"Just calm down."

"My family is dead and you're telling me to calm down!?" Alyssa said.

"Tell me-tell me how it happened." She said tears running from her eyes.

"Well, the car was driving down the road when a semi truck didn't stop at the light. He rammed into them, the car spinned uncontrollably until it was hit by another car. They crashed into the concrete divider; the car flipped. They were killed instantly." She said.

"No!" Alyssa gasped.

"I know you need some time to think so let us know if you need anything. Oh, and my name is Opal." She smiled softly.

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