THIRTEEN: The Hearing

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"Liz, Liz...wake up we have to get on a plane." Pepper's voice rang out. She was gently shaking the young girl awake.

"Wha...wha-why?" The girl groaned. She rubbed her brown eyes with her fists and slowly blinked them awake.

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you say we are getting on an airplane?" The girl asked finally awake enough to concentrate on the conversation.

"Yes, that's what I said!" Pepper groaned.

"Your father has to go to a hearing in Washington DC."

"Why?" Alyssa asked. She pushed off the covers and started to brush out her light brown locks.

"They think the Iron Man suit is a weapon. The military wants to confiscate it." Pepper said helping the young girl with her hair.

Alyssa let out an annoyed groan.

"Why can't they just leave us alone!" Alyssa groaned.

"I know, it stinks." Pepper agreed.

"We're not doing anything wrong..."

"Correction, you aren't doing anything wrong. They never said anything about Alyssa Stark. They're just going after Tony." Pepper corrected.

"But it's like they're personally attacking me. Tony is my responsibility and I just feel like they're trying to make me feel like a bad parent." Alyssa muttered.

"Alyssa, you're the kid. Tony's the parent." Pepper smiled.

"It doesn't feel like that sometimes." The girl smiled.

"Look, I know how much you miss him. So I promise you; it's gonna get better." Pepper reassured gently stroking her hair.

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you Pepper."

"You're welcome, now go and throw on something nice. The hearing is in a few hours and I have to bring you. I'm sorry." Pepper said giving a watery smile.

"It's okay." Alyssa smiled.

"It may be fun, you know how Tony likes to make fun of the politicians." The girl laughed.

"You're right but I swear, one of these days I'm gonna kill him." Pepper smiled.

"Not if I get to him first."

The two women talked for a while as the continued to pack up the remainder of the girl's stuff. They got a call from Happy and went to hop on the jet. Happy had left earlier with Tony and didn't greet them. But it was okay.
"Now before we start, do you think it is really appropriate to have a minor in the conference room." Stern snarled.

Alyssa's eyes narrowed and she blew a strand of hair out of her face. She gingerly raised up her hand like she was waiting to be called upon.

A man from the jury's desk allowed her to speak and the girl cleared her throat.

"Senator Stern, if I may plead my case, I was wondering if you could refer to section 213 in your pamphlet. It states that any race, gender, age, or disability can attend the hearing."

The man grumbled as several of the jurors flipped through the pamphlet to find the right page. Their eyes widened as they realized the information was true.

"Now, it seemed to be that you were being a bit ageist and I can take you to court for discrimination. I would really prefer not to do that sir." The girl smiled sweetly.

The man turned red from anger as the paparazzi gasped and took more pictures. Alyssa continued to smiled sweetly and internally smirked as the remaining jurors talked amongst themselves.

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