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[ Reigen's PoV ]

Damn, I'm bored...

I leaned onto the back of my chair in my office, looking up onto the ceiling above me, I quietly whispered to myself, "I really need something to keep me busy.." but too bad, I really don't have anything to do. Until I could hear the sound of the door opening from this room.

The woman stepped inside, she looked at me with an awkward stare, but I was simply stunned by her appearance itself. I can't say much about her, but I was stunned in a good way. The woman opened her mouth, as she said,

"Uhm, could you possibly help me with a case of an evil spirit?"

Finally, something to do.

"Sure thing!"

Thus, we arrived at her house, I couldn't assure you that there's an evil spirit there because I'm not an psychic myself. But I know Mob can do so. She started fiddling with her fingers, a small tint of awkwardness began to show between the two of us, there was this wall that is trying to prevent us on becoming closer.

But she caught my attention, so I had to break that wall.

I pat her shoulder, asking whether if she is sure there is a spirit or not, and she was certainly positive about it. But I hope she is wrong.. of course, if she is right I'd call Mob right away, and yeah. She's right.

"Mob, could you come over?"

A classic question for me to say to Mob, as the evil spirit is just floating around the house, it looks harmless though. Yet, this pretty woman knew and she still called for us. We were just waiting for Mob, I kept on staring at her, the wall began on  getting thicker and thicker. Yikes, I really want to get to know her better.

"So.. mind telling me your name?" I asked, she kept her cool and replied to me nicely, 
"(f/n) (l/n)"

What a pretty name. 
We simply just stared at each other after that.

"Master, I'm here" 

Mob's voice broke the scene between us, it was an awkward yet pleasing moment though. I pointed towards the evil spirit. God, the evil spirit became bigger when Mob arrived.

I take my words back, the spirit isn't as harmless as the both of us expected.

"Sorry, I called you on a short notice again, Mob" I lightly apologized to Mob, patting his head. She was looking at Mob with admiration, I felt envious towards Mob. 
"Then, the  case is clear now!" I lighten up the scene, the woman smiled and replied as her voice brightens up my mood,

"Thank you!"

There was this small moment where I felt warm inside, like the butterflies are inside me. "You don't need to pay this time!" I told her, she looked a tad bit happier than before.

"Uh, Reigen.. was it? Do you mind exchanging numbers?" 

My heart stopped.
Me? Exchanging numbers with a girl? The last time I exchanged numbers with a girl was with my mom. This is such an amazing miracle and luck I have. Mob was simply standing behind me, he looked at the girl with a face as if he's telling her to stay away. This is the first time I've ever seen Mob like this, I wonder why? I turned my attention back to the girl,

"Sure thing! I don't mind exchanging my number with a cute girl like you." 

Crap, that slipped out of my mouth. Why did I even said that? I don't know!

She looked a bit flustered,  so am I. In the end we exchanged numbers, with Mob too.  We parted once we finished doing so. The day ended smoothly.

The next day, I stayed on my office like usual, I slowly muttered under my breath as I was walking in the room in circles,

"I wonder if we can meet again-"

"You know, I'm right behind you"

"What the fu--"

I felt like as if I got a heart attack a second there. This woman scared the hell out of me, not to mention, why is she here again? I'm not saying like I'm irritated by her presence or anything, I'm just merely curious. I didn't know what to say after that, so i simply asked her, "O-Oh.. what do you need, (y/n)?" A small pause filled the room for a few seconds, until she took a deep breath and said,

"I need you"

Rely On Me [ Reigen x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now