[ 4 ]

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"I want to be loved by you."

At this point, I knew I'd be a huge mess.

Mob was looking at me with his eyes widened in..fear? I don't know why, but it seems like he dislikes (y/n) for some reason. On the other hand (y/n) is just looking at me with no expression at all. I guess she was too shocked until she can't even express anything.

"Arataka.. you love me?"

Oh god please help me my heart can't take this pressure i feel like I'm dying oh f-


I'm lost, I don't know what to say. I'm just.. I can't even think of anything. Then, something came into my mind.

"That was a dare from one of the spirits nearby! You can see it, right Mob?"

Please go with the flow my dearest student please--

I am literally a desperate human right now. I could feel my palms sweating, my heartbeat is getting faster and faster every second, as if it's screaming for help. I'm not that lucky today, am I? I looked at Mob again, he looks like as if he's near towards explosion, this is not the best situation to be exploding, Mob!

"It seems like a spirit came inside my body for a second there! Sorry for making situations weird--"

Did that work? Now I look like a freaking idiot don't I?
"You're lucky I exorcised the spirit that possessed your body, Master."

Mob stated, he actually went along with my obvious lie! Though, it was oddly out of character for him to say so, though I won't complain because he literally saved my ass right there.

"Pfft, I see, you get possessed by spirits that easily, Arataka?" (Y/n) laughed it off, her laugh was awfully soothing and calming, am I being a weirdo now? I probably am, I just can't help this weird feeling fluttering inside me whenever I'm near her.

I feel like throwing up this weird yet precious feeling right now, it's unbearable.


Before I could finish my sentence, it was cut off by a loud music from (Y/n)'s phone.

"Ah sorry about that."

She opened her phone, and immediately rejected the call after reading the name of the person calling her.

Mob looked at her, asking;
"Why did you closed the call?"

"Don't worry, it's just one of my friends being annoying again."
She replied in an instant,

There was a small tint of bitterness in her words, could it be something more than an annoying friend? Questions started flying all over my head as I came up with many different theories of her situation. I tried to keep myself straight to this position that I am in right now, and keep my mind on (Y/n).

"Oh yeah, do you need anything else, (Y/n)?" I asked, she simply looked up to the ceiling for a small moment, then looking back at Mob. Ouch, my fragile heart hurts. I had a rough month this time, being in a conflict with Mob then having an interesting girl? What an exhausting yet joyful month.

"What I need?"
She looked at me with a puzzled look, then giving me a smirk while saying;


Author's Note: sorry that this looks super rushed and really short! I had some exams which hurts me real good. :'D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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